Information for registered organisations - Volunteer National Police Certificate Program

This page provides information for organisations who are registered users of the Volunteer National Police Certificate (VNPC) Program.
Last updated:

If you are not currently a registered user and would like to learn more about the VNPC Program, and how to register please visit the visit the Volunteer National Police Certificate Program page.

This page is intended to improve transparency and understanding of the process for submitting police checks for volunteers.

How the VNPC process works

  1. Sign into the online portal using the organisation name and organisation number.
  2. Invite the prospective volunteer. This includes providing basic information such as name, email, and phone number of the applicant and the details of the organisation’s contact person.
  3. An invitation is emailed to the volunteer candidate.
  4. The volunteer candidate completes the online application. The organisation can view the application status (i.e., invite sent, application processing, etc.).
  5. The organisation and applicant are notified when the check is complete and can be accessed through secure document delivery service.

To assist registered organisations, Communities, WA Police Force, and Australia Post have created several supporting documents available for download on this page. The documents are designed to support users of the VNPC Program and provide the relevant and updated information needed to submit checks.

Documents provided

  • VNPC Flowchart: Visual representation of the potential processes for submitting police checks depending on the individual’s circumstances. Shows the typical process as well as non-standard processes for volunteer candidates under 18 years of age, without an email address, mobile number, standard identification, or access to an electronic device.
  • WA Police Force VNPC Guide: Detailed information outlining the VNPC Program.
  • How to Guide - Organisations: Step by step guide on how to navigate the online portal and invite a volunteer candidate to complete a VNPC.
  • How to Guide - Volunteers: Step by step guide outlining how volunteer candidates complete the VNPC process and submit their application on the online portal.
  • VNPC Consent Form: If a Police check is submitted through a non-standard process, then a consent form may be needed (refer to Flowchart or VNPC Guide). Consent forms are necessary when an organisation shares or submits checks on the volunteer’s behalf. If required, please ensure you’re using the current VNPC Consent Form available below.

When using the standard online process, a consent form is not necessary. 
For any process or portal related questions please contact   
To update your existing registration details please contact

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