Housing investors and partners - Local Government

The Department of Communities (Communities) provides social and affordable housing in partnership with local government.
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Call for Submissions from Local Government

Communities is calling for submissions from local governments to help increase the supply and diversity housing across Western Australia.

The Call for Submissions from Local Government provides a framework for Communities to work with local government in a variety of ways to deliver new housing options. This could include, but is not limited to, capital grant funding, land leases, land contributions and other innovative models.

Local governments must first contact us at CFS-LG@communities.wa.gov.au to discuss and define projects prior to lodging a submission. Following this, a submission can then be made to Communities at any time until 2 September 2025. Please note that the intention is for this CFS to be renewed on an annual basis.

Download the Call for Submissions documentation below which outlines the requirements and evaluation criteria.