Under clause A2.3A2 of the Pilbara Network Rules (PNR), the Coordinator of Energy (the Coordinator) is required to develop and publish a constitution for the Pilbara Advisory Committee (PAC).
Under clause A2.3.4 of the PNR, the Coordinator must invite public submissions when developing or amending the PAC constitution.
The Coordinator sought submissions on a draft of the PAC Constitution between 26 November 2021 and 24 December 2021. The draft PAC constitution was based on the Market Advisory Committee (MAC) and the Gas Advisory Board (GAB) constitutions and the feedback received from the MAC and GAB respectively during consultation in August and September 2021.
The Coordinator received one submission from Alinta Energy during the consultation period. Alinta Energy’s submission and the Coordinator’s response are published below.
The Coordinator approved the final version of the PAC Constitution for publication on 24 February 2022.