Department of Training and Workforce Development: Policy and guidelines

The following policy documents relate to the Department of Training and Workforce Development’s role as Western Australia’s State Training Authority, with responsibility for administering WA's vocational education and training (VET) system. 
Last updated:

Access to information policy (FOI)

In WA, under the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (the FOI Act), the right applies to documents held by most State government agencies (such as departments, public hospitals, public universities and State government authorities), Ministers and local government.

Freedom of Information (FOI) gives the public a right to access government documents, subject to some limitations.

Documents accessible under the FOI Act include paper records, plans and drawings, photographs, tape recordings, films, videotapes or information stored in a computerised form.

  • Our FOI information statement outlines our commitment to the Freedom of Information process and explains the procedures for obtaining access to information.
  • Our FOI Process document  explains how the FOI process works and what’s involved.

You might also find our Frequently asked questions about FOI  useful.

For further information, please contact the Department's FOI coordinator via email to sends email).

You can also find out more about the FOI Act by visiting the WA Office of the Information Commissioner’s website(link is external).

Apprenticeship and traineeship policy

This policy outlines the requirements associated with the commencement, registration, variation and completion of the training contract for apprenticeships and traineeships and provides support in the interpretation of the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 and the Vocational Education and Training (General) Regulations 2009.

It contains information relating to school-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SBATs), trade skills recognition (TSR), trade certificates, and travel and accommodation allowance (TAA) for apprentices and trainees.

If you are looking for information about managing your contract for an apprenticeship or traineeship, please visit our Apprenticeship Office page.

Apprenticeship Office

Complaints management policy

This policy establishes the complaints management process for the Department for complaints made by external clients, members of the public and other government agencies.

The policy conforms with the relevant Australian Standard and Public Sector requirements.

Cyber disclosure policy and reporting

The Department of Training and Workforce Development is committed to ensuring the security of the people of Western Australia, by protecting their information.

We have implemented a Cyber Disclosure Program; a collection of processes and procedures designed to identify, verify, resolve, and report on vulnerabilities disclosed by people who may be internal or external to our organisation. The program, which aligns with the State Government’s Cyber security policy, will improve the Department’s cyber security posture and assist in risk mitigation. 

Our Cyber disclosure policy is a key component of the program, providing guidelines for security researchers on how to report vulnerabilities and what to expect in return from the Department. It describes:

  • what systems and types of research are (and are not) authorised for testing;
  • the principles and guidelines under which the policy applies;
  • a definition of ‘research’ and reporting requirements;
  • how to report any identified cyber vulnerabilities; and
  • what can be expected from us in response to a report.

The policy is available via the link below.


To report cyber vulnerabilities, please use our online form. Reports may be submitted anonymously.

Report a cyber vulnerability

Public interest disclosure (PID) policy

The Department of Training and Workforce Development is committed to the aims and objectives of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 (PID Act). It recognises the value and importance of contributions of all Department employees to enhance administrative and management practices, and strongly supports disclosures being made by Department employees about misconduct, offences, misuse of public resources or risks to public health and safety.

This policy applies to all Department employees, public sector contractors, and any person making a disclosure to the Department relating to a matter of public interest information where the discloser prefers that their identity remains confidential to protect them from victimisation or other reprisal by reporting an issue. 

PID enquiries

We strongly encourage anyone thinking about making a public interest disclosure to seek confidential advice from the Department's principal PID officer before making a disclosure. All enquiries will be treated in confidence.

For further information, please contact the Department's Principal PID Officer via email to sends email)

Lodging a disclosure of public interest information

Those wishing to make a disclosure of public interest information under the Act are encouraged to do so in writing. The Public interest disclosure lodgement form is available to assist you in defining the details of your disclosure. 

You may also find the Public interest disclosure procedures manual useful.

Government building training policy

Important notice

From 1 April 2019, the Priority Start policy replaced the Government building training (GBT) policy. Those contracted under the GBT policy will have the option to transition to the Priority Start policy from 1 July 2019, once their 2018–19 reporting obligations have been fulfilled. No new tenders or contracts should include clauses relating to the GBT policy.

Please refer to our Priority Start policy section for further information.

If you require any further assistance about the GBT policy, please email sends email).

Language services policy and guidelines

The Department of Training and Workforce Development is committed to the use of competent interpreters and translators to provide a service to those unable to communicate through written and spoken English.

This policy and guidelines ensure that the rights of Western Australians who are unable to communicate effectively in spoken or written English to access Government funded services are not compromised by this inability.

Priority Start policy

Priority Start came into effect in Western Australia on 1 April 2019, to maximise opportunities for apprentices and trainees on all major State Government funded building, construction and maintenance contracts. 

Please note

From April 2019, Priority Start replaced the previous Government building training (GBT) policy.

Priority Start aims to ensure a sustainable construction trades workforce for WA by increasing the overall numbers of apprentices and trainees in the building and construction industry. To achieve this, the policy requires companies awarded State Government building construction, civil construction and maintenance contracts valued over $5 million (including GST) to meet the industry's average target training rate for apprentices and trainees. 

For further information including resources and guides for contracting organisations, contractors and sub-contractors, please visit our Priority Start page.

Find out more about Priority Start

Sponsorship policy

This policy outlines the sponsorship principles and procedures to be followed as part of all sponsorship arrangements; both providing and receiving, and prior to any binding commitment given by the Department of Training and Workforce Development or TAFE college.

TAFE Admissions policy

This policy outlines the framework for admission to publicly funded VET award qualifications at TAFE colleges.

It contains detailed information on the processes applied by TAFE Admissions to select prospective students for places in full time courses, and by TAFE colleges to select students in part time qualifications.

VET Delivered to secondary students (VETDSS) funding policy

This policy outlines the eligibility of enrolled school students to access funding for approved courses listed in the list of VET courses funded for delivery to secondary students. 

A list of VETDSS funded courses is also available.

If you are looking for information about SBATs and other VET programs available to WA secondary students, please visit our VETDSS page.

Information about VETDSS

VET Fees and charges policy

This policy outlines the procedures governing the administration of fees and charges by registered training providers who deliver vocational education and training funded by the WA Department of Training and Workforce Development.

A list of selected Diploma, Advanced Diploma and existing worker traineeship qualifications eligible for concession rates is also available below.

Lists of all subsidised training funded through Jobs and Skills WA are available on the Jobs and Skills WA website.

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