Out of Home Care services - information for carers, families and children

The Department of Communities (Communities) is working with the sector to progress the commissioning of Out of Home Care (OOHC) services.
Last updated:

These resources support families, carers and young people navigate the new out of home care system.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Find out more about how the Department of Communities is changing the way it delivers Out of Home Care (OOHC) services in Western Australia (WA) to achieve the best outcomes for all children and young people.

Representative bodies

The following organisations are key advocates in the WA child protection, foster care and out of home care sector:

CREATE Foundation
Family Inclusion Network of Western Australia Inc (Fin WA)
Foster Care Association of WA (Inc)

For further assistance

Advocate for Children in Care 

  • Office hours (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday)
  • 0429 086 508 (call, text or leave a message)
  • Free call 1800 460 696 (charges may apply for some mobile plans)
  • Email: advocate@communities.wa.gov.au

Advocate for Children in Care - video

Sharla Abdullah tells us about her role as the Advocate for Children in Care and why it’s important for children and young people to understand and have access to the Children’s Charter of Rights.

Urgent help

If you need urgent help and you can’t get hold of your District Office or the Advocate for Children in Care, there are other options:

Crisis Care (24 hours / 7days)

  • Telephone (08) 9223 1111
  • Free call 1800 199 008 Kids
  • Helpline (24hours/7days) Free call 1800 55 1800


  • 131 444 or 000 (emergency only).

Know your rights

Children and young people have human rights. Know your rights by downloading the Charter of Rights for Children and Young People in Care and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the Child 1990.

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