The multi-coloured finches are on Australia’s endangered species list, with fewer than 2,500 estimated to be left in the wild.
The population decline is blamed on vegetation changes due to altered fire regimes, cattle grazing and feral predators. Tens of thousands were trapped for the aviary trade prior to a ban in the 1980s.
Work Camp Senior Officer, Adam, said staff and prisoners have teamed up with Traditional Owners on a special project to try and boost finch numbers.
“Under the guidance of Corrective Services officers, the prisoners built 200 nesting boxes for placement in the Gouldians’ natural habitat,” Adam said.
“We took the men out on Country, which is the Dadaru, or Cockburn, Ranges, to find suitable hollow bloodwood and cabbage gum logs, which were taken back to the camp.
“Once the nesting boxes were made and attached to the logs we went back out to the bush and the prisoners climbed trees and installed them.”
Adam said the minimum-security prisoners were committed to this important cause, while at the same time learning new skills that could help them gain employment post-release.
The finch rescue is just one aspect of a larger flora and fauna reparation program involving work camp prisoners and the Traditional Owners.
The prisoners are learning to make fences to prevent unauthorised vehicles entering sensitive flora and fauna areas. They will also make shade huts for bird watching, clear walk trails to waterfalls and propagate native seedlings to revegetate noxious weed areas.
Skills and qualifications attained in the process include traineeships, the potential to join the Ranger Program and a Certificate II in Agriculture Conservation Land Management.
Corrective Services Commissioner Mike Reynolds applauded the program and strong partnership between the work camp staff and prisoners and the Traditional Owners.
“There are cultural benefits linking prisoner participants back to Country and providing meaningful engagement with Traditional Owners and Elders,” Commissioner Reynolds said.
“This work is a great example of engagement and developing stronger partnerships with Aboriginal people as outlined in the Department’s Reconciliation Action Plan.