Reconciliation Action Plan

The Department of Justice is committed to providing high quality justice, legal and corrective services, information and products that support a just, safe and fair community.
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Our reconciliation aim is to provide these services in a manner that is culturally responsive, safe and promotes equitable outcomes for Aboriginal people. The Reconciliation Action Plan January 2022 to January 2024 continues the Department’s formal commitment to progressing reconciliation and promoting equitable justice outcomes for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. The need to work with Aboriginal people and ensure that the Aboriginal voice is heard loud and clear in government processes and decisions is vital to advancing true empowerment for our State’s Aboriginal population.

The Plan focuses on strengthening existing and establishing new relationships, which are built on a foundation of respect, trust and understanding. Celebrating the significant and ongoing contribution Aboriginal people have made to Western Australia and our shared community is a key outcome that the Plan will realise.

Through this Plan, the Department continues to embed measures that provide opportunities for internal Aboriginal employees and external stakeholders. This will enable the Department to become more culturally responsive and intelligent as it moves towards improving engagement for Aboriginal people with the justice system.   

Progress of the Plan will be monitored by our Reconciliation Action Plan Steering Committee, with members of our Corporate Executive being both champions for, and overseeing implementation of, the Plan.

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