See how RevenueWA connects with you

RevenueWA uses a range of methods to communicate with the public about their obligations and entitlements.
Last updated:

We recognise that online communications can be susceptible to scams, fraud, and schemes to deceive. Please be cautious when clicking on hyperlinks within communications that look like they are from us.

The information below provides an overview of the communication you may receive from RevenueWA.

We recommend you register for the Online Services Portal or Revenue Online so we can communicate with you through a secure portal. 

Please contact RevenueWA on 9262 1400 Iif you are concerned about the validity of a message you have received or to report communication from us that you believe is a scam or phishing attempt.

What we won’t do 

We won’t ask you to:

  • reply to an SMS or email with personal information such as your bank account or your login details.
  • confirm any personal information without providing you with details for how you can contact us to validate our authenticity (on request).
  • make payment in any form that is not listed under 'How to pay' options on a web page or on a notice or letter you receive from us (such as gift cards). 
  • provide any passwords or payment details over the phone.
What we will do 
  • Our correspondence will generally display the Western Australia Government logo. This will include the words ‘Department of Finance’ and may include ‘RevenueWA’. Some emails and automated replies may not contain the logo.
  • Email correspondence will come from the Western Australian Finance domain ‘’.
  • Any links to online information will be to a Western Australian Government URL ending with ‘’.
  • We may ask you to access our secure online portals to complete questionnaires, or to register for or log in to an account you create. The online portals can be accessed from a Western Australian Government URL ending with ‘’.
  • Phone calls from us may display as unknown or from a private number.
    • The officer will provide their name and identify they are from RevenueWA.
    • On request, the officer will let you know how you can contact us to confirm their identity, or how you can call back to speak with them.
  • If we are contacting you to request payment, we will direct you to the ‘how to pay’ options on a web page or on a notice or letter you receive from us. We will not ask for payment in any other form. 
  • If we are contacting you to request your details for payment from us, we will ask you to provide your bank details through a secure portal account or on a form requiring your signature.
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