Contact RevenueWA

Make an online enquiry or phone call to RevenueWA.
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General enquiry

Submit an online enquiry or contact us by telephone on 9262 1400.

Office hours

8.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday

200 St Georges Tce, Perth WA

See how RevenueWA connects with you

RevenueWA uses a range of methods to communicate with the public about their obligations and entitlements.  We recognise that online communications can be susceptible to scams, fraud, and schemes to deceive.

See information about the communication you may receive from RevenueWA and how to validate if it is authentic.


Specific enquiry

TopicWeb enquiryPhone numberSee more information
DutiesContact us online9262 1100
Online DutiesContact us online9262 1113
Land taxContact us online9262 1200
Payroll taxContact us online9262 1300
First home owner grantContact us online9262 1299
Building grantsContact us online9262 1170
Energy subsidiesContact us online9262 1486
Energy Concession Extension SchemeContact us online9262 1486
Household Electricity CreditContact us online9262 1165
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