Users must be registered against a company in order to access either system. Only applications lodged by the company you are registered for will be displayed.
EARS Online
EARS Online allows online lodgement and tracking of the following Minerals and Petroleum Environmental Applications:
- Mining Proposal (MP)
- Environment Plan (EP)
- Oil Spill Contingency Plan (OSCP)
- Programme of Works (PoW) are now to be lodged through Resources Online.
Mining Proposals for Mining Lease applications cannot be submitted via EARS Online. These must be posted or handed in at a Mining Registrar office.
Access Environmental Assessment and Regulatory System (EARS Online)
EARS 2 allows online lodgement and tracking of the following Mineral Environmental Compliance Reports:
- Annual Environmental Reports (AER)
- Mining Rehabilitation Fund (MRF)
For more information, view EARS 2 frequently asked questions.
Annual Environmental Report
Summary information of all Annual Environmental Reports (AER) submitted to the department is available for public viewing.