Statewide Clearing Permit CPS 818/15 – Main Roads WA

Clearing Permit CPS 818/1 was granted to Main Roads Western Australia (Main Roads) on 11 November 2005 by the then Department of Environment.
Last updated:

The clearing permit authorises the clearing of native vegetation for a range of defined activities across Western Australia necessary for the upgrade and maintenance of the State’s main road network.

The permit has since been amended 15 times with the latest amendment (CPS 818/16(link is external)) made on 02 June 2023.

Two appeals were lodged against the decision to grant a clearing permit with conditions for CPS 818/15, covering five grounds of appeal. This latest clearing permit amendment gives effect to the Minister for Environment (Minister) determination to allow the appeal in part (Appeal number: 032 of 2020(link is external)) made on the 3 November 2022.

The Minister requested the department amend the permit to:

  • increase clarity, transparency and scrutiny in relation to roadside clearing
  • improve confidence that the process set out in the permit appropriately provides for robust regulatory assessment, review and compliance audits
  • strengthen assurance that the permit provides robust consideration of environmental values and best outcomes.

In addition to the amendments requested by the Minister, several additional amendments have been made within clearing permit CPS 818/16 at the request of the Permit Holder and following consideration by the department. This included extending the expiry date of CPS 818/16 to 30 June 2026. A copy of the amended permit and decision report can be found in this link 818/16(link is external).

The amendments to CPS 818/16 that are subject to appeal are outlined in the decision report. For further details of the appeal period, please refer to Clearing permits available for public appeal(link is external).

For further information on appeals or to lodge an appeal, please contact the Office of the Appeals Convenor on 08 6467 5190 or at sends email).

For all other enquiries, please contact the department on 08 6364 7000 or at sends email).

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