Water licensing application forms and guides

Forms and guides to use when applying for a water licence or permit.
Last updated:

Before applying

Please read the following information on water licence and permit applications:

Making an application

Applications are encouraged to be made via the Water Online customer portal. 

While Water Online is the most efficient way to apply for and manage your licences, applications are also accepted on paper forms. For some types of applications, fees apply.

If you choose to apply by paper form, please ensure you:

  • have the correct application form(s) for your proposal
  • read the relevant application form guide
  • complete all relevant sections of the form (including all supporting evidence), sign it, and forward it to your local department office by post, fax or email
  • demonstrate that you have the authority to carry out the activities, including legal access to the site. Written evidence may be required.

If you need assistance completing your application, please contact us on 1800 508 885 or licence.enquiry@dwer.wa.gov.au.

Which application form(s) do I need?

New proposalsApply onlineForm and guideNotes
To commence, construct, enlarge, deepen or alter a wellYes

Form 1

Form 1 guide

To provide information on completion of a non-artesian wellYesForm 2 
To provide information on completion of an artesian wellYesForm 2A 
To take groundwaterYes

Form 3G

Form 3G guide

Form 1 and Form 3G applications may be submitted together.
To interfere or obstruct the bed and banks of a watercourse or wetlandYes

Form 3P

Form 3P guide

Form 3P and 3S applications may be submitted together.

Supplementary information for permit applications to interfere with bed or banks of watercourses

To take surface waterYes

Form 3S

Form 3S guide

Form 3P and 3S applications may be submitted together.
Existing proposalsYes  
To amend or renew an existing licence to take groundwaterYes

Form 3G

Form 3G guide

To amend or renew an existing licence to take surface waterYes

Form 3S

Form 3S guide

To enter into an agreement to take water under an existing licence for a limited timeYes

Form 4A

Form 4A guide

Application fee of $200 applies. 

For more information about agreements.

To transfer a water entitlement or a water licenceYes

Form 4T

Form 4T guide

Application fee of $200 applies.

More information about trades and transfers.

To notate, remove or vary a security interestNoForm 5IApplication fee of $70 applies.
To notify the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation that a licence holder is not or may not be eligible to hold a licenceNoForm 6

To delay termination of a licence for up to six months.

Read more information about trades, transfers and agreements.

To provide the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation a statutory declarationNoForm 7A statutory declaration may be used to provide evidence of proof of authority for an agent to sign an application form instead of the applicant.
Information to be provided on installation of a water meterYesForm 8Where the metering of water use is a requirement of a water licence, you must provide us with certain details regarding the installation of the water meter.
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