WA Police Force Rank Insignias

All sworn police officers within the WA Police Force have ranks. An officer's rank will be displayed on their epaulettes.
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Commissioner of Police


The highest ranking position in the WA Police Force, the Commissioner of Police works in consultation with the Minister for Police to ensure strategic objectives are achieved through leadership and management of the organisation’s resources.

Deputy Commissioner of Police


A Deputy Commissioner oversees a group of major portfolios and makes high-level operational and administrative decisions. They also maintain key stakeholder relationships within and external to the organisation.

Assistant Commissioner of Police


An Assistant Commissioner is generally responsible for one major portfolio, such as State Crime or Regional WA, and ensures that all services, products, business and operational activities within the portfolio comply with overall organisational objectives.



A Commander is primarily tasked with coordinating major operational matters within a functional area, reporting directly to their relevant Assistant Commissioner.



A Superintendent is responsible for one metropolitan or regional district or one specialist division or portfolio. Depending on the relevant organisational structure, a Superintendent reports to either a Commander or Assistant Commissioner.



An Inspector is the first rank to be classed as a Commissioned Officer - a title which also applies to all higher ranks. An Inspector is typically in charge of major units, projects or stations. They may assist their Superintendent in districts as Assistant District Officers.

Senior Sergeant


A Senior Sergeant is usually in charge of a major unit or station, supervising numerous teams and leading operational activities to achieve district and organisational priorities.



A Sergeant is generally the rank in charge of regional or smaller metropolitan stations. Their primary function is as a supervisor, leading teams and providing assistance and guidance to junior officers, while also coordinating operational activities.

Senior Constable


A Senior Constable leads smaller teams within a station, performing a supervisory or mentoring role. An officer must have served at least nine years in total and completed the required qualifications before being eligible to become a Senior Constable.

First Class Constable


A First Class Constable usually works in frontline positions and may perform a mentoring role for more junior officers. To apply to become a First Class Constable, an officer must have served at least five years as a Constable and completed the required course.



Constables are usually frontline officers who work closely with First Class and Senior Constables in a patrol and inquiry capacity in the first years of their career. After completing a 28 week course at the WA Police Academy in Joondalup, they serve an 18 month probation period.