WA Police Force privacy statement

Read about our Information collection, safeguards, information use and disclosure, individual access, weebsite access, cookies, emails security. and challenging compliance.
Last updated:

WA Police Force respects your right to privacy, and manages your personal information responsibly and in accordance with all legal obligations relating to the collection, use or disclosure of information. 

This privacy statement is in place to assure you that WA Police Force undertake a consistent and transparent approach to handling personal information that is collected and stored.

The proper use of personal information is integral to the day-to-day business of WA Police Force and is administered internally with a focus on achieving our legislated functions and policing priorities. 

Personal information collected is also released back to individuals for their own use through the National Police Certificate scheme or through crash and crime reports for related incidents. 

This information may also be key in achieving a whole-of-government approach to seamless services and WA Police Force maintain constructive partnerships with other government agencies in support of this purpose.

Should you wish to access your personal information, or other documents of our agency please refer to the WA Police Force Information Statement, downloadable from the freedom of information page. This document is released annually and provides an overview of how to access all the information services for WA Police Force.

Information collection

WA Police Force collect information for the primary purpose of law enforcement, community safety, road safety and justice services. This includes but is not limited to, the investigation of offences, the detection of offenders and the gathering of intelligence information.

Personal information is information or a documented opinion about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained from the information or opinion. Personal information includes your name, address and any other information that could readily be used to identify you.

WA Police Force seeks access to information from other sources, where it is not inconsistent with legislative requirements, to assist in the prevention, detection, investigation, prosecution or punishment of criminal offences, breaches of the law imposing a penalty or sanction or breaches of a prescribed law.


WA Police Force employ security safeguards to protect personal information that we collect and store. The level of these safeguards is appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.

Information use and disclosure

WA Police Force will disclose personal information to the extent necessary to perform our primary purpose. Personal information may also be disclosed where:

  • the disclosure is required by law
  • you agreed to such disclosure at the time of collection, or at any time after in the form of written consent
  • the purpose is to convey behavioural or other relevant personal information about an individual for the safety of that individual or others, when delivering that individual into the care or custody of another, e.g. presentation to an Emergency Department, handover to custodial service providers or delivery to community support services
  • the disclosure is in support of legislated functions of other government agencies, departments or authorities, where it is not prohibited in law. Examples include:
    • the sharing of crash reporting data between WA Police Force and the Insurance Commission of WA
    • referring information that is relevant to the wellbeing of a child to the Department of Child Protection and Family Support
    • reporting relevant incidents to the Department of Housing in support of their Disruptive Behaviour Management Strategy. 

Under no circumstances will personal information be disclosed for the purpose of direct marketing.

The release of personal information is monitored by the WA Police Force Information Release Centre. This office authorises and records applications for the release and disclosure, in accordance with legislation, policies and procedures.

WA Police Force may also disclose de-identified data to research bodies where we identify an agency or community benefit. This process is managed strictly by our Research Governance.

Individual access

You are able to make application to access your personal information held by WA Police Force. You can do this by making an application in writing to the Coordinator, Freedom of Information, WA Police Force. There are a number of reasons police can refuse this access, but where access is granted you are also able to challenge the accuracy and completeness of your information and have it amended.

View our freedom of information page.

Website access

If you visit the WA Police Force website to read, browse or download information, our internet service provider will record the:

  • visitor's server address
  • visitor's domain
  • date and time of visit to the site
  • frequency of which pages are accessed and documents downloaded
  • type of platform and browser used.


Cookies are small pieces of information sent by a website to a user’s web browser, which enables the website to remember a specific user. Thereby using cookies a website can recognise a specific user and maintain a profile of information or behaviours. 

This information can be used for targeted marketing other nefarious purposes. WA Police Force only uses ‘cookies’ for the purpose of maintaining site statistics.

Email security

WA Police Force record the details of any email sent using our website contact page, including your server IP address. All reasonable steps are taken to protect personal information you provide to us through this avenue from unauthorised access or improper use. These steps provide a high level of protection within the limits of available technology.

Challenging compliance

Where you consider that we have not complied with the principles outlined in this statement, you may in the first instance lodge a complaint with the Western Australia Police, Office of Information Management or the Assistant Commissioner, Professional Standards and Investigation.

Should you not wish the alleged breach of compliance to be dealt with internally by WA Police Force, you may refer your complaint to the WA Ombudsman.