Entitlement to be paid when absent on a public holiday

Full time or part time employees who do not attend work because it is a public holiday must be paid their regular rate of pay for the hours they would normally work on that day.
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In the state industrial relations system, when a full time or part time employee is absent from work on a public holiday, they are entitled to be paid:

  • as if they were required to work their ordinary hours on the public holiday; and
  • at the rate they would have received as payment for those hours under a WA award, industrial agreement or contract of employment, whichever provides for the higher rate.

The entitlement to be paid for an absence from work on a public holiday does not apply to:

  • casual employees;
  • employees who would not ordinarily work on that public holiday;
  • employees on unpaid leave on that public holiday.

The entitlement to be paid for an absence on a public holiday applies to all full time and part time employees, including apprentices and trainees, employees paid by commission or piece rates, and employees employed by household employers in a private home.

For example, Jian is a part time employee who works 9am to 2pm each Monday. On a Monday public holiday, if Jian is not working because the day is a public holiday, he must be paid his ordinary rate of pay for the 5 hours he would normally have worked.

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