If you wish to make a suggestion about how we could improve what we do, or if you are not satisfied with any aspect MyLeave’s operations, please preferably contact us via our online feedback form (below). If this is not possible contact us through the contact details shown at the bottom of our home page.
Customer Charter
To view MyLeave's Customer Service Charter please follow the link below.
What is a complaint?
A Complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to or about MyLeave, related to its products, services, staff or the handling of a complaint, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or legally required.
Any complaint, suggestion, or compliment must be for the purpose of doing business with MyLeave and the services we provide.
Before you make a complaint, we ask that you first try to resolve the matter with the relevant staff member or division.
A complaint is not:
- the initial request for a service to be provided by MyLeave.
- a request for documents, information or explanation of policies or procedures.
- a submission relating to the exercise of a regulatory function or compliance enforcement action.
- the lodging of an appeal or objection in accordance with a statutory process, standard procedure or policy.
- allegations of misconduct by public officers. The Public Sector Commission (open new window) is responsible for dealing with minor misconduct while the Corruption and Crime Commission (open new window)(link is external) deals with serious misconduct.
- disclosures about wrongdoing involving improper conduct or irregular use of public resources. These matters can be pursued through the Public Interest Disclosure process. Please see MyLeave Public Interest Disclosure Policy and Procedures.
Complaint Process
How do I make a Complaint?
It is preferable for complaints and feedback to be made on the Online Feedback Form (open new window)(link is external) . Complaints may also be made in writing, either through mail, email, or verbally, either in person or over the phone.
Why do we need to know?
Your complaints and feedback are important as they help improve our services as well as telling us what we are doing well.
What information is needed?
A simple statement telling us the nature of the service/conduct is all that is required. Should further information be required, we will contact you. The following information will assist us processing your complaint or feedback:
- name and address
- contact details
- complaint/feedback description, and
- date of occurrence of issue causing the complaint.
What will happen then?
Your submission is recorded, and the investigation process begins.
Is there any help for customers with special needs?
To ensure that customers who need to contact the department are not disadvantaged as a result of language barriers, interpreters can be organised on behalf of customers to assist, and documents can be translated into an appropriate language upon request. If you need help because of a hearing or speech impairment the National Relay Service can assist by telephoning 13 36 77 (free call).
Can another person act on my behalf?
A complainant may nominate another person to assist or make a complaint on their behalf. The complainant must provide written permission for another person to act on their behalf.
When should I receive a reply?
We aim to:
- acknowledge all complaints within two business days.
- respond to complaints within ten business days or provide an interim response if the nature of the complaint requires a longer period to resolve.
What if I do not receive a reply?
If you do not receive any reply within ten days of lodging your complaint or feedback, please contact us.
Privacy Protected
All complaints are treated confidentially, unless required by law or the complainant provides their permission to release information.
There will be no adverse repercussions by MyLeave for a complainant who, in good faith, chooses to make a complaint against the agency or a MyLeave staff member.
Taking a complaint further
If you are not satisfied with the outcome after dealing with us, you may contact the Ombudsman WA:
Ombudsman Western Australia
- T: (08) 9220 7555
- Freecall: 1800 117 000 (free from landlines)
- Email: mail@ombudsman.wa.gov.au
- Address: PO Box Z5386, St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6831
- Website: www.ombudsman.wa.gov.au(link is external)