MyLeave Board Members

The Construction Industry Long Service Leave Payments Board was established as a body corporate under section 5 of the Construction Industry Portable Paid Long Service Leave Act 1985
Last updated:

The Board is a body corporate of seven members who are appointed by the Minister including:

  • an independent Chair;
  • three Board Members representing the interests of workers; and
  • three Board Members representing the interests of employers

The members of the Board are appointed on a three year cycle. 

The current Board Members are:


Ms S Barrera

Susan Barrera

Appointed to the Board as Chair in September 2018. Susan worked for over 30 years in senior positions in the State Government including Executive Director Labour Relations and Director General Department of Communities. She is a consultant for The Nexus Network specialising in organisational change management.


Mr S McCartney

Steve McCartney

Appointed to the Board in May 2009 to September 2016. Reappointed to the Board in September 2018. Steve is the State Secretary of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union since 2009.  Steve previously held positions of State President and has worked for the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union since 2001.

Kari Pnacek

Kari Pnacek

Appointed to the Board in February 2024. Kari is the Assistant Secretary of UnionsWA.  She has spent more than two decades as a passionate advocate for workers’ rights in the labour movement both in the United States and Australia. Prior to UnionsWA, she spent eight years with the Transport Workers Union (TWU). Through her work at TWU she was a board member of the Logistics and Defence skills council, and spent the last four years as National Educator and Campaign coordinator, working to develop and implement training programs for union officials and delegates that cover more than 55,000 members across Australia.

Vacant Profile


Appointment process underway with the Minister to appoint a person nominated by The Building Trades Association of Unions of WA.


Board Placeholder

Jo Alilovic

Appointed to the Board in September 2018. Jo is Director and founder of 3D HR Legal. Jo is an HR lawyer and did her training in the largest independent law firm in Perth.

Mr J Gelavis

John Gelavis

Appointed to the Board in September 2020. John has 30 years’ experience within the building and construction industry including sales, marketing, management, advocacy, and leadership roles.  John is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Structerre and was previously the Executive Director of Master Builders Association of WA.

Ms K Schick

Kate Schick

Appointed to the Board in September 2018. Kate is Principal advisor with the Construction Services Division at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA.  Kate has had extensive experience in the major engineering, construction and maintenance industries having spent time working for both employer groups and contractors since 1996.