Planning a Burial

By pre-purchasing your burial plot you have the opportunity to choose your own location.
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Whether it be under a tree, in a lawn area, or as it often the case, close to other family members, pre-purchasing makes the choice your own to make. An interment agreement can be pre-purchased or at the time of need.

Securing a preferred burial plot is a simple task and one in which families are encouraged to play an active role. When a funeral is scheduled and, if no pre-need agreement is in place, the grave allocated by cemetery staff will be the next one available. Whilst some families opt to visit the cemetery to make a selection at the time of need this can often be a difficult event for grieving family members. Pre-planning at least removes this stress from families.

Whilst cemetery staff can assist you by indicating general areas in which graves may be purchased, a selection service is also offered at Karrakatta and Fremantle. A selection appointment* which involves a tour of areas that are currently available, is required should you wish to select a specific grave. You simply advise our staff of your preferences and we will assist in locating a plot. We can show you a range of options and help you make a decision that you are most comfortable with.

Karrakatta, Fremantle, Midland and Guildford offer both lawn and traditional full monumental burial areas. At Pinnaroo Valley, all plots are lawn graves.  Headstones are not permitted, each plot being marked by a flat lying burial plaque. Rockingham Regional Memorial Park offers general lawn and a full monumental area specifically for the Muslim community. Fremantle and Pinnaroo offer natural burial areas in addition to traditional burial areas. Click on the buttons above to learn about Natural Burial at each location.

Over time, all burial areas eventually fill up and, for many people, this causes a level of disappointment when they are unable to secure a plot in close proximity to family members who have already passed away. If you are planning for the future it is often advisable to let other family members know. This way they will have the option of pre-purchasing and ensuring that all family members are buried within the same area. For the same reason, many pre-purchasers often opt to purchase the plot immediately alongside their own.

* Fees may apply