Here is what you can find in the DEMIRS eBookshop:
- Reports, Records, and Bulletins: these are available as free PDFs to view and download. Most of these are not sold as printed copies, with a few exceptions.
- You can get GIS files for free from the Data and Software Centre (DASC). These files are in ESRI and MAPINFO formats. They cover maps published since 1991. You can find older maps (published before 1991) as free PDFs. You can also buy printed copies, but only while supplies last.
- Some publications in the DEMIRS eBookshop link to zipped files. These files contain geochemical and geophysical data.
- You can collect data packages on USB flash drives at the Information Centre. It's located on the First Floor of Mineral House, 100 Plain Street, East Perth WA 6004, Australia. You can also buy them online from the DEMIRS eBookshop. For inquiries, please call the phone number above or send us an email.
Premium geoscience publications
We publish premium books and reports that cover topics that will interest geoscientists and anyone who wants to learn more about Western Australian geology. You can download all these publications for free from the DEMIRS eBookshop.
WA Unearthed series
GSWA has published a book series on Western Australia’s geology. The series presents an understanding of the geological evolution of the State based on 30 plus years of geological mapping by GSWA and its collaborators. It integrates precise geochronology and high-quality isotopic, geophysical, and geochemistry datasets.
The birth of supercontinents and the Proterozoic assembly of Western Australia
Australia goes it alone - the emerging island continent 100 Ma to present
A Paleozoic perspective of Western Australia
Mesozoic transformation of Western Australia: rifting and breakup of Gondwana
Gemstones of Western Australia second edition
The second edition of Gemstones of Western Australia is scientifically accurate and well-organised. It was written for professional geologists, gemmologists, experienced fossickers, and amateur rock collectors.
In this publication you will find a detailed guide to nearly all gemstones and decorative stones found in Western Australia. The second edition includes more locations where gems have been found and expands on stones such as emerald, opal, agate, chalcedony, organic gems, tiger eye jasper, aragonite, cordierite, black jade, mookaite, fuchsite, jasper, and Munjina and Print stones. It also features many new gemstone images and references to earlier studies.
Hardcopies can be purchased for $55 inc. GST, and you can download it as a PDF, both options are available through the DEMIRS eBookshop.