New Market Implementation

This page contains information relevant to the new Wholesale Electricity Market, that commenced in October 2023.
Last updated:

Under the Energy Transformation Strategy, major improvements to the design and operation of the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) are being undertaken to ensure that electricity is supplied at the lowest sustainable cost and the operation of the market efficiently reflects and facilitates improvements to the way Western Power's network is accessed.

Key elements of this work include:

  • Security Constrained Economic Dispatch;
  • Five new Frequency Co-optimised Essential System Services Markets;
  • Reserve Capacity Mechanism under Constrained Access; and
  • Market Settlement.

Following the conclusion of the Energy Transformation Taskforce in May 2021,  Energy Policy WA is continuing to lead the implementation of the new market. This work program will continue to use the Transformation Design and Operation Working Group (TDOWG) and the WEM Reform Implementation Group (WRIG) as the key stakeholder forum for discussing design and implementation matters associated with the new market implementation.

All consultation materials are available on the Energy Policy WA Consultation page.