Coordinator of Energy costs for its functions under the Wholesale Electricity Market rules and the Gas Services Information rules

Publication under Wholesale Electricity Market Rule 2.24.5C(b) and Gas Services Information Rule 110B(2)(b).
Last updated:

The Coordinator of Energy is required to publish a breakdown of the Coordinator costs to be recovered from the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) and the Gas Services Information (GSI) Rule Participants

Coordinator of Energy costs breakdown 2021 – 2022

Publication under Wholesale Electricity Market Rule 2.24.5C(b)

In accordance with clause 2.24.5C, the Coordinator of Energy has identified in its budget $2.57 million as the proportion of its costs that relate to the performance of its functions under the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Rules.

The proportion of costs corresponding to the functions described in clause 2.2D.1. of the WEM Rules is as follows:

  • $1.82 million for administration of the WEM Rules and any other functions related to the evolution and development of the WEM and the WEM Rules; and
  • $0.75 million for the preparation of a Whole of System Plan in accordance with section 4.5A of the WEM Rules.

Publication under Gas Services Information Rule 110B(2)(b)

In accordance with subrule 110B(2)(a), the Coordinator of Energy has identified in its budget $0.16 million as the proportion of its costs that relate to the performance of its functions under the Gas Services Information (GSI) Rules.

The proportion of costs corresponding to the functions described in subrule 8(1C) of the GSI Rules is as follows:

  • $42,750 for rule making functions;
  • $11,500 to consider, and in consultation with the Gas Advisory Board, progress the evolution and development of the GSI Rules; and
  • $105,750 for the provision of secretariat services to the Gas Advisory Board and support to its independent Chair.

Coordinator of Energy costs breakdown 2022 – 2023

Publication Under Wholesale Electricity Market Rule 2.24.5C(B)

In accordance with clause 2.24.5C, the Coordinator of Energy has identified in its budget $2.579 million as the proportion of its costs that relate to the performance of its functions under the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Rules.

The proportion of costs corresponding to the functions described in clause 2.2D.1 of the WEM Rules is as follows (note, each item includes costs related to anything that the Coordinator has determined under clause 2.2D.1(d) to be conducive or incidental to the performance of its functions):

  • $19,000 for functions related to the dispute resolution mechanism (the functions described in clause 2.2D.1(a) and (b));
  • $471,000 for developing and administering the WEM Rules, including Market Advisory Committee services (the functions described in clauses 2.2D.1(c), and 2.2D.1(f) to 2.2.1D(i) inclusive);
  • $600,000 for the preparation of a Whole of System Plan (the functions described in clause 2.2D.1(e));
  • $75,000 for functions related to the procurement of Non-Co-optimised Essential System Services (the functions described in clause 2.2D.1(iA));
  • $19,000 for obligations regarding the transmission system plan (the functions described in clause 2.2D.1(iB));
  • $1,320,000 for undertaking market development and other reviews, and consultations (the functions described in clause 2.2D.1(j)); and
  • $75,000 for carrying out any other functions conferred, and perform any other obligations imposed, on the Coordinator under the WEM Rules (clause 2.2D.1(k).

Publication under Gas Services Information Rule 110B(2)(b)

In accordance with subrule 110B(2)(a), the Coordinator of Energy has identified in its budget $160,000 as the proportion of its costs that relate to the performance of its functions under the Gas Services Information (GSI) Rules.

The proportion of costs corresponding to the functions described in subrule 8(1C) of the GSI Rules is as follows (note that no cost have been allocated to the functions in subrule 8(1C)(b),(c)&(d):

  • $42,750 for rule making functions (the functions described in subrule 8(1C)(a));
  • $11,500 to consider, and in consultation with the Gas Advisory Board, progress the evolution and development of the GSI Rules (the functions described in subrule 8(1C)(aA)); and
  • $105,750 for the provision of secretariat services to the Gas Advisory Board and support to its independent Chair (the functions described in subrule 8(1C)(aB)).

Coordinator of Energy costs breakdown 2023 - 2024

Publication Under Wholesale Electricity Market Rule 2.24.5C(B) 

In accordance with clause 2.24.5C, the Coordinator of Energy has identified in its budget $2,860,926 as the proportion of its costs that relate to the performance of its functions under the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Rules. 

The proportion of costs corresponding to the functions described in clause 2.2D.1 of the WEM Rules is as follows (note: (i) each item includes costs related to anything that the Coordinator has determined under clause 2.2D.1(d) to be conducive or incidental to the performance of its functions; and (ii) no cost have been allocated to the functions in clause 2.2D.1(a), (b) and (iB)): 

  • $1,774,556 for developing and administering the WEM Rules, including Market Advisory Committee services, and for undertaking market development and other reviews, and consultations (the functions described in clauses 2.2D.1(c), and 2.2D.1(f) to 2.2.1D(j) inclusive); 

  • $943,324 for the preparation of a Whole of System Plan (the functions described in clause 2.2D.1(e)); 

  • $71,523 for functions related to the procurement of Non-Co-optimised Essential System Services (the functions described in clause 2.2D.1(iA)); and 

  • $71,523 for carrying out any other functions conferred, and perform any other obligations imposed, on the Coordinator under the WEM Rules (clause 2.2D.1(k). 

Publication under Gas Services Information Rule 110B(2)(b) 

In accordance with subrule 110B(2)(a), the Coordinator of Energy has identified in its budget $154,678 as the proportion of its costs that relate to the performance of its functions under the Gas Services Information (GSI) Rules. 

The proportion of costs corresponding to the functions described in subrule 8(1C) of the GSI Rules is as follows (note: (i) each item includes costs related to anything that the Coordinator has determined to be conducive or incidental to the performance of its functions; and (ii)  no cost have been allocated to the functions in subrule 8(1C)(b),(c)&(d): 

  • $46,404 for rule making functions (the functions described in subrule 8(1C)(a)); 

  • $46,404 to consider, and in consultation with the Gas Advisory Board, progress the evolution and development of the GSI Rules (the functions described in subrule 8(1C)(aA)); and 

  • $61,871 for the provision of secretariat services to the Gas Advisory Board and support to its independent Chair (the functions described in subrule 8(1C)(aB)). 

Publication under the Pilbara Networks Rules 

In accordance with subrule 128(a), the Coordinator of Energy has identified in its budget $309,357 as the proportion of its costs that relate to the performance of its functions under Part 8A of the Electricity Industry Act. 


Coordinator of Energy costs breakdown 2024 – 2025

Publication Under clause 2.24.5C(b) of the Wholesale Electricity Market Rules 

In accordance with clause 2.24.5C of the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Rules, the Coordinator of Energy has identified in its budget $3,246,839 as the proportion of its costs that relate to the performance of its functions under the WEM Rules. 

The proportion of costs corresponding to the functions described in clause 2.2D.1 of the WEM Rules is as follows (note: (i) each item includes costs related to anything that the Coordinator has determined under clause 2.2D.1(d) to be conducive or incidental to the performance of its functions; and (ii) no cost have been allocated to the functions in clause 2.2D.1(iB)): 

  • $162,342 for functions related to the dispute resolution mechanism (the functions described in clause 2.2D.1(a) and (b));
  • $1,453,074 for developing and administering the WEM Rules, including Market Advisory Committee services, and for undertaking market development and other reviews, and consultations (the functions described in clauses 2.2D.1(c), and 2.2D.1(f) to 2.2D.1(j) inclusive); 
  • $1,144,397 for the preparation of a Whole of System Plan (the functions described in clause 2.2D.1(e)); 
  • $162,342 for functions related to the procurement of Non-Co-optimised Essential System Services (the functions described in clause 2.2D.1(iA)); and 
  • $324,684 for carrying out any other functions conferred, and performing any other obligations imposed, on the Coordinator under the WEM Rules (clause 2.2D.1(k)).  

Publication under subrule 110B(2)(b) of the Gas Services Information Rules 

In accordance with subrule 110B(2)(a) of the Gas Services Information (GSI) Rules, the Coordinator of Energy has identified in its budget $145,111 as the proportion of its costs that relate to the performance of its functions under the GSI Rules. 

The proportion of costs corresponding to the functions described in subrule 8(1C) of the GSI Rules is as follows (note: (i) each item includes costs related to anything that the Coordinator has determined to be conducive or incidental to the performance of its functions; and (ii) no cost have been allocated to the functions in subrule 8(1C)(b),(c)&(d)): 

  • $14,511 for rule making functions (the functions described in subrule 8(1C)(a)); 
  • $14,511 to consider, and in consultation with the Gas Advisory Board, progress the evolution and development of the GSI Rules (the functions described in subrule 8(1C)(aA)); and 
  • $116,089 for the provision of secretariat services to the Gas Advisory Board and support to its independent Chair (the functions described in subrule 8(1C)(aB)). 

Publication under the Pilbara Networks Rules 

In accordance with clause 128(1) of the Pilbara Network Rules, the Coordinator of Energy has identified in its budget $410,334 as the proportion of its costs that relate to the performance of its functions under Part 8A of the Electricity Industry Act 2004. 
