Archive: Closed consultations

This page lists Energy Policy WA's archived consultations.
Last updated:

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Closed consultations Approx. Closed
National Gas Law: Western Australian adoption of amended National Gas Objective to include emission reductions2023
AEMO’s Commissioning Tests WEM Procedure for consultation2023

Cost Allocation Review – WEM Amending Rules Exposure


BRCP Reference Technology Review - Consultation Paper2023
Consultation on proposed licence exemptions for the construction of electricity and gas distribution systems by third party developers2023
Consultation Paper: Demand Side Response Review2023
Release of AEMO’s draft Dispatch Settlement and Monitoring Data WEM Procedure and draft Constraint Formulation WEM Procedure for consultation2023
Reserve Capacity Mechanism Review – WEM Amending Rules Exposure Draft2023
Blair Fox PTY LTD Licence Exemption Application2023
Release of AEMO’s draft Prudential Requirements WEM Procedure for consultation2023
Consultation on AEMO's draft Commission Tests and draft Individual Reserve Capacity Requirements WEM procedures2023
Draft WEM Procedure: Dispute Resolution Mechanism for the release of Market Information2023
Draft WEM Guideline: Non-Co-optimised Essential System Services2023
Stand-alone Power Systems (SPS) Amendment to Regulations2023
Consultation on Western Power’s draft Loss Factor Determination WEM Procedure 2023
Release of AEMO’s draft WEM Procedures for consultation2023
Release of AEMO’s Determination of Market Schedules WEM Procedure for consultation2023
AEMO’s draft Identification of Affected Dispatch Intervals and draft Essential System Service Quantities WEM Procedures for consultation2023
Exposure Drafts – Tranche 7 and Market Suspension Wholesale Electricity Market Amending Rules2023
Draft Outage Data Conversion Procedure - V0.1 Consultation2023
RC 2014 05: Reduced Frequency of the Review of the Energy Price Limits and the Maximum Reserve Capacity Price - Draft Rule Change Report2023
RC 2018 03: Capacity Credit Allocation Methodology for Intermittent Generators - Draft Rule Change Report2023
AEMO’s draft Verification of Dispatch Inflexibility WEM Procedure and draft Meter Data Submissions WEM Procedure2023
WEM Procedure - Outages - V0.1 - Consultation - External2023
Exposure Draft – Five-Minute Settlement Wholesale Electricity Market Amending Rules2023
Proposed Changes to the Electricity Networks Access Code - Priority Projects: Consultation Paper2023
Consultation on draft Voluntary Embedded Networks Code of Practice2023
AEMO’s GPS Compliance Tests and Generator Monitoring Plans WEM Procedure2023
Stage 2 Consultation Paper: Supplementary Reserve Capacity Review2023
AEMO’s Rule Participant Registration Processes WEM Procedure2023
Reserve Capacity Mechanism Review: Information Paper (Stage 1) and Consultation Paper (Stage 2)2023
AEMO’s revised GPS Compliance Tests and Generator Monitoring Plans WEM Procedures2023
Consultation on the Electricity Industry (DER) Amendment Bill2023
Consultation on AEMO’s draft Transitional Registration Processes WEM Procedure2023
AEMO’s draft Certification of Reserve Capacity for the 2022 and 2023 Reserve Capacity Cycles WEM Procedure2023
Draft Electric Storage Resource Obligation Intervals WEM Procedure2023
Karara Power application for electricity transmission license exemption2023
Increasing the threshold for application of the electricity generation licence exemption 2023
Consultation on AEMO’s Draft Power System Security and Notices and Communications WEM Procedures2023
Changes to the National Gas Law civil penalties and enforcement regime in Western Australia2023
Electricity Industry (Alternative Electricity Services) Amendment Bill 20232023
AEMO’s Draft Dispatch Algorithm and Draft Adjustment of Real-Time Inputs WEM Procedures2023
Stage 1 Consultation Paper: Supplementary Reserve Capacity Review2023
Project Eagle Energy and Governance Legislation Reform2023
Market Power Mitigation and Compliance and Enforcement Exposure Drafts2023
AEMO’s Real Time Market Timetable WEM Procedure and WEM Submissions WEM Procedure2023
Consultation Paper: Cost Allocation Review2023
2023 Market Advisory Committee Composition Reviews2023
Exposure Draft of the Market Power Mitigation Wholesale Electricity Market Amending Rules2022
Stage 1 Consultation Paper: Reserve Capacity Mechanism Review2022
Exposure Draft 2 – Tranche 6 Wholesale Electricity Market Amending Rules2022
Consultation Paper: Market Power Mitigation Strategy2022
2022 Gas Advisory Board Call for Nominations2022
AEMO’s draft Undertaking the Long Term PASA WEM Procedure for consultation2022
AEMO’s Draft System Restart WEM Procedure for consultation2022
Increasing the threshold for application of the electricity generation licence exemption2022
Exposure Draft 1 – Tranche 6 Wholesale Electricity Market Amending Rules2022
AEMO’s draft amendments to the Capacity Credit Allocation WEM Procedure for Consultation2022
AEMO’s draft Certification of Reserve Capacity for the 2022 and 2023 Reserve Capacity Cycles WEM Procedure2022
Pilbara Rule Change PRC_2022_012022
Consultation: proposed changes to the WEM, GSI and Pilbara Regulations2022
AEMO’s updated draft WEM Procedures for Consultation2022
AEMO’s RCM Constraint Formulation WEM Procedure and Declaration of Bilateral Trades WEM Procedure2022
GRC_2022_01: Publication of Tanker Gas Information on the Gas Bulletin Board (GBB) - Rule Change Notice and Proposal2022
Publication of AEMO’s WEM Procedure Register and Consultation Timeline 2022
2021 Review of the Market Advisory Committee Constitution 2021
2021 Review of the Gas Advisory Board Constitution 2021
Draft Pilbara Advisory Committee Constitution 2021
Feedback on a proposed clarification of the electricity retail contestability order for the South West Interconnected System2021
Draft Gas Services Information (GSI) Amending Rules - AEMO Allowable Revenue 2021
Exposure Draft - Tranche 5 Wholesale Electricity Market Amending Rules2021
AEMO's updated draft WEM Procedures for Consultations2021
Review of Energy Customer Contract Regulations 2021
Consultation Paper published on reforms to the energy regulatory framework2021
Feedback on a proposed amendment to the Network Quality and Reliability of Supply (NQRS) Code2021
AEMO Draft WEM Procedure for Consultation: Data and IT Interface Requirements2021
AEMO Draft WEM Procedure for Consultation: Indicative Facility Class and RCM Facility Class Assessment2021
AEMO Draft WEM Procedure: Facility Sub-Metering2021
AEMO Draft WEM Procedure for Consultation: Credible Contingency Events2021
Exposure Draft - Tranche 4B Amending Wholesale Electricity Market Rules2021
Consultation on Wholesale Electricity Market Procedures2021
Strategic Consultative Group 2021
AEMO Draft WEM Procedure for Consultation: Certification of Reserve Capacity 2021
AEMO Draft WEM Procedure Communications and Control Systems Consultation2021
AEMO Draft WEM Procedure for Consultation: Frequency Co-optimised Essential System Services Accreditation2021
Proposed Changes to the Electricity Networks Access Code2021
Proposal for changes to Market Power Mitigation Mechanisms2021
Exposure Draft Rules for the Transitional Arrangements for FCESS Accreditation 2021
Generator Dispute Resolution Templates2021
Proposed changes to the metering code2021
Applications for arbitrators and technical experts in energy generation 2021
Draft WEM Procedure: Credible Contingency Events2021
Delivering the Future Power System2021
Civil penalty and conduct provisions for the non-scheme gas pipeline regime 2021
Review of licensing and exemption regulatory framework2020
Cost recovery for the non-scheme gas pipeline access regime2020
Whole of System Plan2020
Distributed Energy Resources2020
Pilbara Electricity Reform2020
Ability for Western Power to deploy Stand-alone Power Systems (SPS) in its distribution license area2020
Consumer Data Right in Western Australia2020
Expedited rule making process for non-controversial or urgent National Gas Rules2020
Improving the Rule Change Panel appointments process2020
Improving the effectiveness of the Electricity Generation and Retail Corporation Regulatory Scheme2019
Retail License Exemptions for Solar Power Purchase Agreement Providers2019
Constrained Network Access2018
Electricity Networks Access Code – Coverage Application2018
Review of the Electricity Industry (Metering) Code 2012 Life Support Equipment Provisions2018
Wholesale Electricity Market reform work program2018
Arrangements for continued power supply reliability in the North Country and Eastern Goldfields regions2018
Reforms to the Limited Merits Review Regime under the National Electricity Law and National Gas Law  2017
Electricity Industry Customer Transfer Code Review2016
Electricity Market Review2016
Pilbara Electricity Infrastructure Project2016
Repeal of Generation Licensing2016
Electricity Networks Access Code – Alinta Energy Coverage Application2015
Electricity Networks Access Code – Horizon Power Coverage Application2015
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