What does our vision mean for you?

How dealing with government will look for you and your business in 2025.
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How dealing with government will look for you and your business in 2025.

graphic depicting house with people working on computers


Ashley and Alex just bought their first house together. Congratulations!

Moving furniture is difficult, but updating your address shouldn’t be.

Instead of having to notify every agency they receive services from, Ashley and Alex only need to tell the WA Government once. Ashley and Alex log on to WA.gov.au with their digital identities to register the changes. The information is then shared easily across agencies, with Ashley and Alex’s consent.


Minh is starting a business — it’s complicated! 

graphic - man holding a coffee cup and a mobile phone

Fortunately, Minh can access everything through WA.gov.au. Minh is able to use one digital identity, so won’t need a bunch of different logins and passwords. Minh can see what licences and registrations the business needs, the compliance obligations, and understand what support is available.

Minh has registered the business with the Australian Government, and has given consent for this information to be shared with WA Government agencies so we can pre-populate any information we might need, saving time. Minh’s business has to deal with Government a lot — but that’s much easier in 2025.

This is our vision for how we believe services should look for you and your business in 2025.