Arrangements have been put in place to ensure ICT is considered with a whole of government perspective and to promote greater collaboration between agencies.
The focus is on leveraging from existing infrastructures and services, to improve services to citizens and stakeholders, while achieving efficiencies and delivering savings to Government.
Directors General Technology, Innovation and Science Council
Show moreThe TISC operates to drive greater innovation and collaboration throughout the public sector and provide advice on whole-of-government reform matters to ensure technology, innovation, and science are at the heart of an adapting public sector.
- Provides independent oversight and advice to the Office of Digital Government within the Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC) and Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (JTSI) on matters of strategic significance to digital reform, public sector innovation, and science;
- Acts as advocates and champions for digital transformation and innovation through their Ministers and across the sector;
- Maintains oversight of the implementation of the Digital Strategy for the Western Australian Government 2021-2025 and associated digital reform initiatives, the Innovation Strategy and forthcoming Decadal Science and Technology Plan and the implementation of these within the Public Sector mandate;
- Maintains awareness of major ICT projects, innovation programs, research capabilities and initiatives in the public sector, along with the latest advancements in digital technologies, like AI and advanced computing, to foster collaboration, prevent duplication, and advance the capabilities of the Western Australian Public Sector for public good;
- Considers opportunities for driving innovation in service delivery through digital solutions, including opportunities for collaborations and pilots for ‘lesson sharing’;
- Provides a forum for problem solving and information sharing to advance sector wide digital transformation, improvement of service delivery, productivity and equality of outcomes for all parts of Western Australia;
- Support the growth and enablement of the WA Public Sector Innovation Network, through fostering a culture of innovation across the Public Sector; and
- Provides direction, guidance and commission key focus projects aligned to strategic priorities to BATAC as well as other governance groups, as appropriate.
The TISC comprises of the Directors General, or equivalent, of the following agencies:
- Small Business Development Corporation(link is external)
- Communities
- Education(link is external)
- Finance
- Health(link is external)
- WA Police(link is external)
- Premier and Cabinet
- Transport(link is external)
- Treasury
- Jobs, Tourism, Science, and Innovation
- Justice
- Landgate(link is external)
- Primary Industries and Regional Development
- Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety(link is external)
- Planning, Lands and Heritage
- Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries(link is external)
- Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions(link is external)
Some members are rotating members appointed for a year at the time. These members are from middle or small tier agencies and/or agencies that can provide a regional perspective.
David Eaton, Small Business Commissioner, is the Independent Chair of the TISC meetings. The Office of Digital Government and JTSI provides secretariat support to TISC.
Business and Technology Advisory Committee
Show moreThe Business and Technology Advisory Committee:
- supports the TISC in implementing the Digital Strategy for the Western Australian Government 2021 – 2025 and its associated digital reform initiatives;
- assists TISC to address strategic issues and provide advice to TISC on policies and standards;
- champions digital transformation including the implementation of digital reform initiatives within their own agencies;
- maintains awareness of major ICT projects and initiatives across the sector to inform opportunities for collaboration and avoid duplication;
- participates in the delivery of key projects that are commissioned by the Council in alignment with the Strategy’s priorities.
Membership of BATAC is comprised of two streams of representatives that consider the merits of digital transformation initiatives from both a business and technical perspective.
Business stream
The business stream is comprised of representatives from the following agencies:
- Communities
- Education(link is external)
- Finance
- Health(link is external)
- Transport(link is external)
- Treasury
- Jobs, Tourism, Science, and Innovation
- Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety(link is external)
- Justice
- Primary Industries and Regional Development
- Landgate(link is external)
- Fire and Emergency Services(link is external)
- Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions(link is external)
- State Records Office
- WA Police(link is external)
- Planning, Lands and Heritage
- Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries(link is external)
Technical stream
The technical stream is comprised of representatives from the following agencies:
- Premier and Cabinet
- Communities
- Education(link is external)
- Finance
- Health(link is external)
- Transport(link is external)
- WA Police(link is external)
- Justice
- Primary Industries and Regional Development
- Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions(link is external)
- Fire and Emergency Services(link is external)
- Planning, Lands and Heritage
- Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries(link is external)
Greg Italiano, the Government Chief Information Officer currently chairs the BATAC meetings. The Office of Digital Government provides secretariat support to BATAC.
Digital Capability Fund Steering Committee
Show moreThe Steering Committee supports the strategic and targeted investment in digital transformation across government to enable better decision making, and support a better approach to digital investment to integrate and streamline services, and reduce duplication.
The Steering Committee is responsible for:
- Providing independent review over the assessment and prioritisation of digital investment proposals through the Fund;
- Monitoring the progress of funded projects;
- Reporting to the Minister for Innovation and ICT on the progress of these projects; and
- Making recommendations on the allocation of the Fund for consideration by the Minister for Innovation and ICT.
The Steering Committee comprises of an independent ICT expert external to government and the Directors General, or equivalent, of the following agencies:
- Department of the Premier and Cabinet;
- Department of Treasury;
- Department of Finance;
- Small Business Development Corporation.
Emily Roper, Director General of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, is the Chair Steering Committee
Data and Linkage Advisory Committee (DALAC)
Show moreThe Data and Linkage Advisory Committee:
- assists the TISC to prioritise high value initiatives that leverage data to drive change in the public sector;
- advises the TISC on participation in national data initiatives of benefit to WA;
- leads advocacy of data sharing and linkage and development of its infrastructure;
- addresses barriers to sharing data; and
- leads strategic reform in issues related to data sharing.
DALAC is comprised of senior leaders with a key role in shaping the Western Australian Government’s data sharing and linkage environment and experience in managing and stewarding public sector data. The following agencies are represented on the DALAC:
- Premier and Cabinet
- Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions(link is external)
- Communities
- Education(link is external)
- Finance
- Health(link is external)
- Transport(link is external)
- Treasury
- WA Police(link is external)
- Mental Health Commission(link is external)
- Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety(link is external)
- Justice
- Landgate(link is external)
- VenuesWest(link is external)
The PeopleWA Governance Group reports to DALAC.