Digital inclusion

We want to ensure all Western Australians can easily access and use digital technologies.
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Graphic image showcasing the ways different people use and view websites and content

Digital inclusion is more than being able to physically connect to the internet. It’s also about having the know how you need to connect, being able to afford those connections, and having access to digital tools and devices that are designed in a way that meets peoples’ needs. Many people struggle to access digital technologies and are missing out on the opportunities that technology provides.

Digital inclusion is about making sure that:

  • all Western Australians can easily access and use digital technologies
  • as more things become digital, our people and communities don’t get left behind.
  • all ages, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, abilities, income levels, and in all areas are supported to access and engage with digital technology and online services.

The WA Government is committed to supporting Western Australians and their communities to access and use digital technologies in everyday life. The Office of Digital Government has developed the ‘Digital Inclusion in WA Blueprint’ to collaboratively improve digital inclusion.

The Digital Inclusion in WA Blueprint (the Blueprint)

The whole-of-government Digital Inclusion in WA Blueprint lays out the Government’s vision and strategic approach for improving digital inclusion in WA.

Why does WA need a blueprint for digital inclusion?

The digital world opens up many new and exciting opportunities for Western Australian people and communities. Whether it’s accessing education courses located somewhere else, joining an online community of people who share similar interests, or being able to maintain connection to Country, the internet and other technology allows us to really connect with each other and participate fully in society.

Unfortunately, many Western Australians don’t have access to or can’t use digital technologies. The reasons for this range from not being able to connect to the internet, to not having the skills or knowledge to be able to safely access the online world.

Partnership Framework

The Blueprint Partnership Framework aims to create the ecosystem necessary to facilitate close collaboration and co-investment opportunities between the WA Government and key digital inclusion partners – WA communities, community services sector, industry and government agencies. The Partnership Framework includes:

  • Digital Inclusion Accord (the Accord) – an instrument to gain commitment by all prospective digital inclusion partners to work in collaboration to the objectives and priorities of the Blueprint. We want to hear from potential Accord partners from the community services sector, libraries, industry and government agencies to sign up to the Accord. More information about the Accord membership process can be found at Application for Membership to the Accord
  • Digital Inclusion Leadership Forum (the Forum). We will establish a group of high-level influential stakeholders from the WA community, community services sector, industry and government to provide high level coordination and commitment to improving digital inclusion outcomes in WA.

The Forum is intended to held bi-annually and membership will be by invitation.

Blueprint Implementation Program

The Blueprint will be delivered through the Blueprint Implementation Program that outlines initiatives Government is progressing to improve digital inclusion outcomes for Western Australians. See the Digital Inclusion in WA Blueprint Implementation Program.


Our Blueprint has been informed by the findings from the extensive 2020 public consultation process. We consulted with communities across the State, community service organisations, industry, businesses, libraries, community resource centres and local governments. Western Australians and organisations from Albany to Kununurra, including the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, South Hedland, Warburton and Leonora were consulted.

More detail about the findings from the consultation are highlighted in the Digital Inclusion in WA What We Heard Report.
