Digitally inclusive

Making sure that all Western Australians can easily access and use digital technologies.
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The WA Government wants all Western Australians to be able to easily access and use digital technologies. We know that digital technologies and services are quickly becoming an essential part of everyday life, and that not having the access or skills to navigate them is a significant disadvantage for people and businesses. The WA Government will improve digital inclusion outcomes with a focus on connectivity, affordability, skills and the design of digital services.

Our objectives

  1. Connect more Western Australians to quality internet services that are fit for purpose.
  2. Enable affordable access to digital devices, and quality internet services and data.
  3. Promote digital skills for Western Australians to confidently and safely use digital technologies to succeed.
  4. Promote technology, websites and apps that are inclusively designed for everyone’s use.

Our approach for digitally inclusive

Western Australia’s large size has made connectivity in regional and remote communities difficult. As a result, many people have limited access to affordable, quality internet and mobile services, stifling local economic prosperity and social wellbeing.

The WA Government has developed the Digital Inclusion in WA Blueprint to guide how we make WA a more digitally-inclusive state. When we deliver the Blueprint, we’ll be working closely with our partners to make sure government invests in initiatives that enable all Western Australians to participate in society, so that no one is left behind.

We’ll continue investing in solutions that support Western Australians to thrive in a digital economy.

We’re already doing this for farming enterprises and communities across regional WA, through our Digital Farms Grant Program and Regional Telecommunications Projects.

We’ll also work with innovative industry-leaders to harness new technologies that deliver high bandwidth internet services to Western Australian communities.

The WA Government will investigate more ways to improve access to affordable low or no cost digital technology. So far, we’ve worked with the community services sector to repurpose government ICT equipment for young people to access critical government, community and education services. We’ll continue to build upon this work and other initiatives that support access to affordable digital technology and services.

We know that digital skills and literacy are an essential part of everyday life, whether you’re applying for a job, banking or marketing your small business. We’re currently exploring how local libraries across the state can support Western Australians to use and navigate government services online.

Over the next few years, we’ll be expanding our digital skills programs to ensure that Western Australians have skills for the digital age.

We’ve designed, our whole of government website, to meet universal accessibility standards so that government information and services are inclusive by design. This includes people with disabilities, people who can’t use or struggle with digital services, people living in remote locations and people using mobile devices. We’ll be continuing to migrate more agencies and services onto, so that all government information and services are equally accessible for everyone.

Western Australia has become a proud leader and champion for improving digital inclusion on the national stage, promoting collaboration amongst Australian Governments to leverage opportunities that drive meaningful change. We’ll continue to play this role at national forums to develop strong solutions for shared problems.

Our initiatives for digitally inclusive

Digital inclusion in WA blueprint

We’ll be working with industry, community services and WA communities in the coming years to implement initiatives that make WA a more digitally inclusive state.

Repurposing technology

We’ll be working to repurpose more smart devices for Western Australians that can’t afford access.

Self-service kiosks

At our trial ServiceWA centre, we’ll provide a range of in-person assistance for transacting online and training that gives you the confidence to engage with government services at your own convenience.

We’ll migrate more agencies onto so that government information and services are accessible for all Western Australians.

Digital Farms

The Digital Farm Grants program provides funding for last-mile digital connectivity infrastructure for agribusinesses and regional communities across WA. This supports the adoption of technologies to help improve productivity and enhance the wellbeing of regional communities.