Prioritising our commitment to address family and domestic violence

The Department of Justice has developed an overarching strategy that includes current and future initiatives to address family and domestic violence.
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It is a sincere, ongoing commitment to strengthen responses, hold perpetrators accountable, and better support victims of family and domestic violence.

The Family and Domestic Violence Strategic Framework reflects the Department’s ongoing commitment to better understand the risks associated with family and domestic violence. The Department aims to be informed by the best available risk information, while being culturally responsive and providing a consistent integrated response.

The Framework encompasses six priorities for action, each supported by a set of targeted initiatives.

The Priorities

  1. Victims are supported to access justice and their safety is prioritised.
  2. Our systems are integrated to manage family and domestic violence risk.
  3. Perpetrators are identified, assessed, monitored, and held accountable.
  4. Perpetrators are provided with programs to reduce their family and domestic violence offending.
  5. Female offenders at risk of family and domestic violence are supported to stay safe.
  6. Our work is continually improving.

The priorities, actions and initiatives will be monitored and evaluated to provide for continual improvement and strengthen the Department’s response to family and domestic violence.


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