Lodgement times
Recent system changes have resulted in an increase in the time it takes to lodge a WWC application in person. Applicants are asked to please allow additional time when lodging at an Australia Post outlet and we thank you for your patience.
Card Production
The WWC Screening Unit is aware that some recent WWC Cards have been issued with anomalies affecting the quality of the signature and photograph. Affected WWC Cards are acceptable evidence of an Assessment Notice being issued by the WWC Screening Unit and allows the card holder to commence or continue in child-related work.
Application processing delays
The WWC Screening Unit is currently experiencing extended delays in processing WWC applications. We are actively working to ensure these are finalised as soon as possible. Remember: an application receipt is proof of a pending application and, in most cases, allows a person to start or continue in child-related work.
WWC Customer Support Centre
The WWC Customer Support Centre is currently experiencing a very high volume of queries relating to the above matters, resulting in longer wait times to speak to a Customer Support Officer and significant delays in responding to emailed queries.
We greatly appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to resolve these issues as soon as we can.
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