Respectful Relationships Sport and Recreation Program

A primary prevention program which focuses on promoting respectful relationships and gender equality in sport and recreation clubs and organisations in Western Australia.
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Respectful Relationships Sport and Recreation Program (the program) is currently being developed as a two-year pilot for delivery to sport and recreation clubs across Western Australia.

The program will promote a whole of club/organisation approach that seeks to prioritise and embed awareness of, and values, attitudes and behaviours consistent with non-violence, equality, mutual respect, and trust.

Respectful relationships programs create generational change by interrupting and changing the values, attitudes and behaviours that can lead to violence against women including family and domestic violence.

About the program

Primary prevention initiatives like Respectful Relationships Sport and Recreation Program are a priority area of Path to Safety: Western Australia’s strategy to reduce family and domestic violence 2020-2030.

The program will commence in early 2023 with a $1.226 million commitment (from 2022/23 to 2025/26) from the State Government to provide an evidence-based respectful relationships program suitable for delivery in Western Australian sport and recreation clubs and organisations. 

Partnership approach

The Respectful Relationships Sport and Recreation Program pilot is being delivered in partnership with the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries  (Sport and Recreation) by Starick Services Inc., a local organisation, recognised as an expert in the field of family and domestic violence.

Other respectful relationships information

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