Regional Family Support Hub

Regional Family Support Hub provides a continuum of support for families and individuals facing complex challenges who live in regional locations.
Last updated:

Regional Family Support Hub is the newest addition to the EIFS suite of services.

In 2022, Communities engaged consultants, Indigenous Professional Services (IPS), to develop the new regional model for EIFS services. IPS engaged extensively with key stakeholders in the East Kimberley, Pilbara, and South West to develop an effective model that is appropriate for local needs and allows for the future expansion of the service to other locations across Western Australia.

The Regional Family Support Hub is an integrated service model derived from existing EIFS services and adapted for the unique needs of local communities in regional locations. Key principles of the model include expanded service supports, family-led goals and outcomes, ACCO delivered where possible, with focus on strong partnerships and flexible service delivery.

The Regional Family Support Hub is currently delivered in the following three locations: the East Kimberley, Pilbara, and South West. These sites were selected following service demand modelling which identified high need for EIFS services for families and individuals.

The Regional Family Support Hub is comprised of three service streams with increasing levels of support dependent on the needs of the family:

Stream 1: Early Diversionary Support Network (to be renamed the Support Network)

  • Provides a common entry point to access support services for families and individuals who are not open to Communities child protection but may need assistance to navigate the service system and would benefit from coordination to link to relevant services. 

Stream 2: Community Intensive (to be renamed Community Intensive Case Management)

  • Provides intensive support to families and individuals who are not open to Communities child protection but have long-term needs, are in complex situations, and may be involved with multiple agencies. 

Stream 3: Statutory Intensive (to be renamed Regional Intensive Support)

  • Provides intensive joint case management for families who are open to Communities child protection and are at risk of their children entering care, or who are in care and the primary goal is reunification. 

All streams prioritise referrals for Aboriginal families and their children.

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