Partnering with the Department of Communities: social housing development information - Community Housing Organisations or Local Government

The Department of Communities partners with a range of stakeholders to deliver safe and accessible housing across Western Australia.
Last updated:


Community Housing Organisation/Local Government who would like to partner with Communities to build new social housing.


Communities provides social and affordable housing in partnership with Community Housing Organisations and Local Government.

Funding is provided by Communities to registered Community Housing Organisations through a number of programs, including Expression of Interest and Request for Proposal process.

The Community Housing Registration Office is committed to supporting and encouraging all Community Housing Providers that are interested in achieving registration under the Community Housing Regulatory Framework.


Community Housing Providers and Local Government may also apply for funding through these EOI and RFP Processes. Prospective respondents are invited to complete the online registration form at:

Web: Business Opportunities 

Email: Email Communities for any further queries:

For more information on Community Housing please email:

Community Housing Providers wishing to seek registration under the Framework: telephone: (08) 6217 6222 or e-mail: