Partnering with the Department of Communities: social housing development information - up to 30 dwellings

The Department of Communities partners with a range of stakeholders to deliver safe and accessible housing across Western Australia.
Last updated:


Development opportunity to deliver social housing through infill developments of up to 30 dwellings.

Submissions may be for housing on land that is:
a) owned or controlled by the Respondent
b) identified but not necessarily owned or controlled by the Respondent.


Communities seeks to procure a diverse range of housing, primarily, to use for social housing. Communities seeks to engage with respondents at the pre-purchase and concept phase or with respondents offering part or fully constructed new dwellings or sites with an existing planning permission.

Design briefs, construction specifications and desired locations are available for download from Communities’ website and as part of the Call for Submissions documentation.


Prospective respondents are invited to complete the online registration form at Business Opportunities or email for any further queries.

Development opportunities to deliver more than 30 dwellings for social housing.