Partnering with the Department of Communities: land acquisition information

The Department of Communities partners with a range of stakeholders to deliver safe and accessible housing across Western Australia.
Last updated:


Private developer/seller or Local Government wanting to purchase or sell private land to Communities.


Communities may acquire suitable residential land for housing developments. Communities will generally only acquire land that is:

  • needed to meet specific demands
  • in proximity to public transport (especially rail and high frequency bus routes)
  • close to daily needs and activity centres
  • close to educational and leisure facilities
  • serviced by utilities (e.g. power and water), or can easily be serviced
  • able to be acquired at clear value for money
  • not contaminated, or otherwise constrained.

Communities seeks value for money in all proposals. When purchasing land, Communities will seek opportunities to acquire suitable land that is offered at or below fair market value.

Alternatively, in some cases, it may be possible to enter a long term (50+ years) leasing agreement.

Communities is limited to purchasing large parcels of land as large land parcels development will need to be redirected to DevelopmentWA.

Communities will consider a sale of land parcel if:

  • no future requirement/demand for the land
  • sale of the land will benefit the community and deliver government key objectives (social and affordable housing).


Contact Communities’ Acquisitions team to query any Land Acquisitions (Selling or Purchasing) by email:

If the land proposals relate to a future development of Social Housing, please refer to the contact outlined above in Social Housing Development Opportunities.

For inquires relating to large parcels of land should be referred to DevelopmentWA:

Telephone: (08) 9482 7499