Partnering with the Department of Communities: Housing Construction and Refurbishment Builders Panel

The Department of Communities partners with a range of stakeholders to deliver safe and accessible housing across Western Australia.
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If a builder is interested in being part of Communities’ Builders Panel.


In November 2022, the Department of Communities (Communities) established a panel of registered builders to further accelerate the state-wide delivery of social housing as part of the State Government's $2.6 billion investment in housing and homelessness services in WA over the next four years.

Through this investment, Communities will the deliver up to 4,000 social housing properties and carry out refurbishment and maintenance work to many thousands more. The maintenance and refurbishment program will be critical to ensuring these homes remain part of our state's social housing stock for many years to come. 

The initial panel term is for two years with three one-year extension options. The terms of the panel arrangement allow Communities to refresh and supplement the panel with additional builders as and when required during its term.

Contributing factors that would inform Communities decision to refresh and supplement the panel with additional builders includes, but not limited to:

  • capacity of current builders to deliver current program of works;
  • new program of works;
  • new requirement for specialised construction deliverables;
  • optimising cost competitiveness in contract pricing; or
  • aligning delivery timeframes with forecasted market conditions.


To enquire about the Communities' Builders Panel please email: