Lived Experience Advisory Group Expressions of Interest

The Department of Communities is seeking Expressions of Interest from people with lived experience of family and domestic violence to appoint up to twelve members to a Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAG).
Last updated:

Further information about the LEAG, including membership requirements, are detailed below. Please read the information carefully prior to submitting your Expression of Interest.

How To Apply

To express your interest in joining the group please complete the form at the link below. The form includes 20 questions about you, why you would like to be involved in the LEAG and the skills and experience you have that would add value to the group.

Applicants are required to complete and submit this form by the deadline: 4pm Wednesday 14 August 2024.

Expression of Interest Submission Form

This submission will ask about your experiences of family and domestic violence. Should you require any emotional support, a number of helplines are listed below:

  • National Domestic Family and Sexual Violence Counselling: 1800 737 732
  • Full Stop Australia National Violence and Abuse Trauma Counselling, Recovery Service (24/7): 1800 385 578
  • Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline: 1800 007 339
  • Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline: 1800 000 599
  • Mensline Australia: 1300 78 99 78
  • 13YARN: 13 92 76
  • Brother to Brother Crisis Support (24/7): 1800 435 799
  • Rainbow Sexual, Domestic and Family Violence Helpline: 1800 497 212
  • Ageing and Disability Abuse Helpline: 1800 628 221
  • Elder Abuse Helpline: 1300 651 192
  • Lifeline 13 11 14
  • Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467

For further information on the LEAG, including the secretariat, anonymity for members, role of the Minister, how members will be supported and frequency of meetings etc, please view the Terms of Reference (PDF, 120KB)

Kaarla Baabpa have been engaged to provide assistance to individuals completing the expression of interest process. If you would like to utilise this support please contact or 0433 566 065 (Renee) or 0408 355 597 (Tash).

If you are unsure whether you would be a suitable member for the LEAG or have any queries regarding the Expression of Interest process, please contact the Department of Communities on or 0432 834 566.

Who should apply for the LEAG?

We encourage individuals with lived experience of family and domestic violence to apply to join the LEAG. The group will have up to 12 people, which will include one Chair and 11 Members.

Understanding that people are impacted by family and domestic violence in different ways, we are seeking applications from people who have directly experienced family and domestic violence as an adult or child. We are also seeking those who have supported a family member or friend impacted by family and domestic violence.

While family and domestic violence can impact people of all genders, social and cultural backgrounds, appointment to the LEAG will be cognisant of the disproportionate rates at which women, in particular Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women experience family and domestic violence. The LEAG’s membership will seek to achieve an appropriate representation of the diverse experiences of family and domestic violence and Western Australia’s diverse population including representation from people who are:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (with a target of half all members being Aboriginal people);
  • Culturally and Linguistically Diverse;
  • with disability;
  • from regional and remote Western Australia;
  • of varied socio-economic status; and
  • of mixed ages (from 18 years and above).

What information is required for the expression of interest?

To assess your application, we need to know about you including a brief description of your experiences of family and domestic violence. We acknowledge that this information can be difficult to share and you may feel uncertain about what details to include.

As a guide, we recommend you complete the form with a focus on how your experience would be valuable as a member on the LEAG, for example, how you might:

  • help inform discussions about policy and service design relating to family and domestic violence; and
  • how you might contribute to the overall running of the LEAG including through past experiences that show teamwork, collaboration, meeting facilitation, policy development, service design or service delivery.

Kaarla Baabpa have been engaged to provide assistance to individuals completing the expression of interest process. If you would like to utilise this support please contact or 0433 566 065 (Renee) or 0408 355 597 (Tash).

What will the LEAG do?

People with lived experience are uniquely placed to inform policy development, service planning and practice. People and communities with lived experience bring valuable expertise to understanding how a particular problem or situation emerges and how best to respond or prevent it in the first place.

The LEAG is an opportunity for people with lived experience of family and domestic violence to share their valuable insights and perspectives to help shape policies and programs by providing strategic advice to the Minister for Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence (the Minister). The LEAG will advocate for positive change within our community and look for ways to improve responses to family and domestic violence and outcomes for victim-survivors.

The functions of the LEAG are to:

  1. Provide advice and propose actions to the Minister (or Government if relevant) on matters identified in their workplan or by agreed exception.
  2. Provide advice and propose actions to inform the design of family and domestic violence laws, policies, services, and programs.
  3. Provide advice and propose actions on the State’s approaches to monitoring and evaluating implementation of family and domestic violence reforms and strategic policy including:
  • Family and Domestic Violence System Reform Plan, 2024-2029;
  • Path to Safety: Western Australia’s Strategy to Reduce Family and Domestic Violence 2020-2030;
  • Aboriginal Family Safety Strategy 2022-2032.
  1. Provide advice and propose actions on further developing and integrating lived experience expertise in the family and domestic violence sector.
  2. Support grassroots information sharing and consultation processes to enable community input to the LEAG and to the major law and policy initiatives impacting people experiencing family and domestic violence in Western Australia.

How will LEAG members be supported?

LEAG members will have access to support and training assist them as necessary during their tenure. There will be a trauma-informed approach to all meetings and activities, including optional post-meeting debriefing and regular check-ins.

The LEAG will also provide members with the option for anonymity in the public domain should a member feel their association with the LEAG will impact their safety and wellbeing.

Will LEAG members be paid?

The LEAG membership will comprise one chair and 11 members. Members will be paid for their participation unless they:

  • are being paid from public monies including:
    • current full time local, State and Australian Government employees;
    • current Members of Parliament;
    • current and retired judicial officers (except magistrates);
    • current non-academic employees of public academic institutions; or
    • were a Member of Parliament within the last 12 months.

Instances where board members may be eligible for remuneration include:

  • Local, State and Commonwealth Government employees who are:
    • part time and where the relevant Minister is satisfied that the work relating to the board occurs outside their employment and all other potential conflicts of interest are appropriately managed; or
    • not currently being paid from public monies such as those on leave without pay and volunteers;
  • University academics (defined as those engaged primarily for the purpose of providing education services and not administrative or other services); and
  • Elected Local Government councillors. 

When you are completing the Expression of Interest form, you will be asked which role you are applying for. Role descriptions are outlined below, for further information please refer to the Terms of Reference (PDF, 120KB).


The Chairperson is responsible for providing trauma-informed facilitation and group leadership at bi-monthly meetings (and additional meetings as required). The selected Chairperson will be the driver of outcomes for the LEAG, including development of an annual workplan, and will be the key contact for members, the secretariat and the Minister. The appointment of chair will be for a period of two years and is remunerated at a half day or full day rate.

Some travel to locations across WA may also be necessary as part of the duties of the LEAG. All travel costs will be funded by the Department of Communities with travel allowance made available to members.


Members are required to attend bi-monthly meetings (an additional meetings as required) and be active and willing to participate in recommending and providing advice to the Minister. Members will act as a representative and advocate for the wider community of people with lived experience of family and domestic violence and will work collaboratively with each other and the secretariat to achieve the LEAGs purpose and Workplan deliverables. The member appointments will be for a period of two years and is remunerated at a half day or full day rate.

Some travel to locations across WA may also be necessary as part of the duties of the LEAG. All travel costs will be funded by the Department of Communities with travel allowance made available to members.