Lived Experience Advisory Group

A Family and Domestic Violence Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAG) is being established to centre the voices of victim-survivors in policy development and service design.
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People with lived experience are uniquely placed to inform policy development, service planning and practice. They bring experience and expertise to understanding how a particular problem or situation emerges and how best to respond or prevent it in the first place.

The LEAG is an opportunity for people with lived experience of family and domestic violence to share their valuable insights and perspectives. These will help shape policies and programs by providing strategic advice to the Minister for Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence. The LEAG will advocate for positive change within our community by informing improved responses to family and domestic violence and better outcomes for victim-survivors. The LEAG Terms of Reference (PDF, 120KB) define the structure and work of the LEAG.

The model for the LEAG has been informed by consultation with more than 500 people around the State, led by Kwobap Consultancy. Read the Full Report (4.79MB) and the one-page summary (2.42MB) on the consultation outcomes.

Expressions of Interest

The Department of Communities is seeking Expressions of Interest from people with lived experience of family and domestic violence to appoint up to twelve members to the LEAG. 

For further information on the Expressions of Interest process, including the submission form, visit the LEAG Expressions of Interest page.

Expressions of Interest submissions must be submitted before the closing date of 4pm 14 August 2024.