Homelessness is a challenging and complex issue that significantly impacts some of the most vulnerable people in our community, intersecting with many other social, health and economic issues, including trauma, family and domestic violence, mental health conditions, drug and alcohol dependence and disruptive life events. As a consequence, responses to address and prevent homelessness require everyone to work together.
All Paths Lead to a Home: Western Australia’s 10-Year Strategy on Homelessness 2020-2030 (the Strategy) was developed in consultation with state and local government agencies, community service providers, people with lived experience and local communities.
This Strategy created the foundation for a significant shift in homelessness policy in Western Australia, moving from managing homelessness to the aspiration of ending homelessness. The Strategy also prioritises evidence-based models of housing and support, with a focus on Housing First and No Wrong Door approaches.
Establishment of the Housing First Homelessness Advisory Group
To progress the implementation of the Strategy and progress a Housing First approach across the homelessness system, the Minister for Homelessness and the Department of Communities (Communities) established the Housing First Homelessness Advisory Group (the Advisory Group).
The Advisory Group provides regular practical advice to the Minister for Homelessness to identify ideas for reform, progress implementation of Housing First approaches and remove barriers to accessing the existing system.
Following an Expression of Interest process, the State Government appointed the following individuals to the Advisory Group.
- Mr Mike Rowe (Chair), Director General, Department of Communities
- Mr Andrew Brien, Chief Executive Officer, City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder
- Ms Bettina (Tina) Ugle, Managing Director, Noongar Mia Mia
- Ms Cath Hart, Chief Executive Officer, Real Estate Institute of Western Australia
- Mr Daniel Morrison-Bird, Chief Executive Officer, Wungening Aboriginal Corporation
- Mr David Pearson, Executive Officer, WA Alliance to End Homelessness and Chief Executive Officer, Australian Alliance to End Homelessness
- Ms Debra Zanella, Chief Executive Officer, Ruah Community Services
- Ms Jude Thomas, Director Place and Community, City of Mandurah
- Ms Kath Snell, Chief Executive Officer, Shelter WA
- Ms Kim Robinson, Lived Experience with the Homelessness Sector
- Ms Louise Olney, Independent Representative
- Mr Michael Chester, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Uniting WA
- Ms Samantha Drury, Chief Executive Officer, St Bartholomew’s House
- Ms Sharon Gough, Chief Executive Officer, Indigo Junction.
Department of Communities Director General, Mike Rowe was appointed as the Chair until 30 June 2030 (for the length of the current Homelessness Strategy) with other members appointed for a three year period initially, commencing 13 March 2023 and ending 12 March 2026.
The group meets six times per year. Meeting Communiques are available on the Housing First Homelessness Advisory Group - Communiques page.
Housing First Homelessness Advisory Group – Nominations
Nominations for the Housing First Homelessness Advisory Group are now open. Please visit the nominations page for more information.