Emergency Relief and Support Services - Preparedness

The Department of Communities (Communities) supports people and communities by working in partnership to plan and prepare for emergencies.
Last updated:

Our Role 

Communities and its partner agencies undertake preparedness activities, including planning, training, and exercising, at State and local levels to enable emergency relief and support services to be effectively and efficiently mobilised should an emergency occur.  

State Support Plan – Emergency Relief and Support 

The State Support Plan – Emergency Relief and Support documents the arrangements for the strategic management and coordination of emergency relief and support services under the Western Australian State Emergency Management arrangements.

State Support Plan - Emergency Relief and Support is available on the State Emergency Management Committee (SEMC) website.

This document must be read in conjunction with the State Emergency Management Plan, which contains the generic emergency management arrangements.  

Local Emergency Relief and Support Plans 

Communities is responsible for preparing Local Emergency Relief and Support Plans (LERSPs) for each local government in Western Australia. LERSPs document responsibilities for the preparedness, response, and recovery phases for the management and coordination of relief and support services, including resources, within the local identified geographical boundaries. 

More information  

For information on preparing for an emergency event visit Prepare - Emergency WA Warnings & Incidents (dfes.wa.gov.au)(link is external) 

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