Education and Care Regulatory Unit - Sector Updates

Communities approves and monitors education and care services through the Education and Care Regulatory Unit (ECRU). This page features current information and events in the Education and Care sector, including learnings from enforcement actions and recent sector trends for providers and services.
Last updated:

Providers and Services refer to Sector Updates to keep up to date with current information and events in the Education and Care sector. This includes learnings from enforcement actions and recent sector trends. 

Latest Sector Updates


ECRU Checklists 
May 2024

Urgent Reminder: Re-register your provider approval 
April 2024

Two-year-old child left outside unsupervised
April 2024

Update regarding NQA IT System Upgrade
March 2024

Two-year-old child injured whilst left unsupervised
February 2024

Child found shut in a shed
January 2024

Kinross vacation care service left a child at a restaurant
January 2024

Child sustains first and second degree burns
January 2024 


Five-year-old child left behind at school 
December 2023 

Amendments to the WA Regulations being prepared to correspond to the National Regulations amendments that came into effect on 1 October 2023
November 2023 

Amendments to the WA Regulations, effective 1 December 2023 
November 2023

Unsupervised 5 year old leaves service
November 2023  

Grants available to deliver better outcomes for young children   
November 2023

Unsupervised five-year-old left on bus for 31 minutes
October 2023

Supervision Critical
September 2023

Legislative changes in effect on 1 July 2023
July 2023

Legislative Changes to Outside School Hours Care
- Qualified educator requirements from 1 July 2023
July 2023

Making Payments to the Regulatory Authority
July 2023


Safe Summertime Play 
December 2022

Proposed change to the Working with Children (Criminal Record Checking)
December 2022

Compliance and A&R visits going digital
November 2022

Cert III in ECEC Qualifications in OSHC
20 July 2022 

New training resource to improve safety at family day care services
11 July 2022  

Sector Updates archive

Important notice: Technical Issues – 5 July 2022 

COVID-19 – 13 April 2022 

Important Notice Technical Issues – 12 April 2022 

COVID-19 – 28 March 2022 

COVID-19 – 14 March 2022 

COVID-19 – 11 March 2022 

COVID-19 – 10 March 2022 

Sector Update: COVID-19 – 2 March 2022 

Sector Update: ECRU is on the move – 2 March 2022 

Sector Update: COVID-19 – 11 February 2022 

Sector Update: COVID-19 – 31 January 2022 

Sector Update: COVID-19 – 20 January 2022 

Child protection responsibilities and the national law – 30 November 2021

Sector update: Safe work month 2022 – week 3-26 October 2021 

Sector update: Safe work month 2022 – week 2-19 October 2021 

Sector update: Safe work month 2022 – week 1-14 October 2021 

Sector update: COVID-19 – 13 October 2021 

ECRU Update: various safe transport etc – 5 October 2021 

Sector update: ECRU Communications Survey – 9 September 2021