Contact us
General contact areas | Contact details |
Communities Housing Offices | View a full list of Housing Offices. Use our Housing Office Finder to locate your local Housing office by map. |
Maintenance (all hours) | 1300 137 677 |
Online maintenance request form | |
Bond Assistance | Contact your local Housing office |
Disruptive Behaviour Reporting Line | 1300 597 076 |
Online Disruptive Behaviour Reporting Form | |
Customer complaints and feedback | Freecall: 1800 333 325 |
Online customer complaints and feedback | |
Interstate callers | (08) 6154 0412 or 1800 193 320 |
Entrypoint Perth (homelessness advice) | (08) 6496 0001 |
Freecall: 1800 124 684 | |
Entrypoint Perth website | |
National relay Service (NRS) | 1800 555 660 |
Keystart (Access Home Loans) | Freecall: 1800 001 722 |
Aboriginal home ownership | 1800 306 877 |
Communities Head Office* | Locked Bag 5000, Fremantle, WA 6959 |
Free Call: 1800 176 888 | | |
*Communities Head Office does not deal with tenancy matters as they are managed at our regional and branch offices. Use our Housing office finder to find your local office contact number. There are no facilities to respond to enquiries at our Head Office.
Housing Authority
ABN 56 167 671 885
The Housing Authority operates within the Department of Communities.