Whether you are lodging a complaint or paying a compliment, your feedback is the key to the Department of Communities continuous improvement.
Communities respects the right for anyone to make a complaint who is dissatisfied about a service, product, staff or the handling of a complaint by Communities or any aspect of its operations.
For general complaints and feedback about the Department of Communities, other than child protection, children and young people, disabilities and housing, please fill in and lodge your general complaints and feedback.
Once you lodge the form you will be contacted within two working days to discuss your complaint further. When we phone you, the number will appear as ‘private’ on your device. If you do not receive a return call, please feel free to contact us on 1800 333 325 (1800 FEEDBK).
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the complaints process or wish to take your complaint outside of the Department of Communities please contact the Ombudsman Western Australia(link is external) on (08) 9220 7555 or 1800 117 000 (country free call).