Careers at Communities - housing and homelessness

Key employment roles at the Department of Communities (Communities) - housing and homelessness.
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See below for key employment roles at Communities relating to housing and homelessness.

Customer Services Officer (CSO)

The Housing Direct Contact Centre at our Mirrabooka office is Communities entry point for tenants, regional staff and contractors who are reporting maintenance for our properties. It is also the entry point for general enquiries and for tenants and members of the public who want to report issues. 

The team also supports the State Welfare Incident Coordination Centre (SWICC) and administer the Hotel Quarantine Fee Exemption (HQFE) application process and the Test Isolation Payments Scheme (TIPS). It's a collaborative team who care about achieving positive outcomes for their customers. As a CSO you’ll undergo a comprehensive induction, receive on-the-job training and coaching and ongoing professional development.

Our CSOs describe the role as fast-paced and often challenging but also incredibly rewarding as we can make a meaningful difference in people’s lives by providing them with empathy, kindness and courteous customer service to achieve good outcomes.

The ideal candidate for this role will have resilience, persistence, empathy and a commitment to optimising outcomes for their customers.

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Housing and Property Services Officer

Our staff working in housing and property services are responsible for running property and tenancy management services associated with Communities’ owned and leased properties.

Roles in housing and property services ensure ongoing consultation and communication with a diverse group of stakeholders, including tenants real estate agents, contractors, government agencies, local authorities and departmental staff, to ensure that a customer focussed service is delivered.

Officers working in housing and property services have a front facing role that is critical to supporting the housing needs of our clients in the WA community.

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Affordable Housing Sales Officers

Officers working in Affordable Housing Sales coordinate the sale of affordable and public housing dwellings in consultation with real estate agents. They provide market feedback to various areas within the Department relating to price, location and configuration of dwellings for the purpose of sale under the Affordable and Public Housing Programs. 

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Affordable Housing Construction Officers

Affordable Housing Construction officers arrange and manage the construction of housing throughout WA for social housing clients, community housing organisations, Government Regional Officers Housing, the Department of Health and Main Roads Western Australia

Construction projects vary in complexity, from the construction of single dwellings to high rise multi storey developments. Some are specially designed and constructed for people with disabilities, community groups, church groups and government agencies that assist people with special needs (including seniors and people with disability). 

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Urban Planners and Developers

Professionals working in urban planning and development undertake land development projects. Examples include large scale projects in older suburbs being redeveloped under a ‘renewal’ program, development of broad-hectare sites into land parcels and lots, or the development of former school sites, into small land estates.  

There are two streams of work for professionals in this area - delivering projects in partnership or collaboration with a private sector partner under a commercial arrangement, or the direct management of projects, or procuring external development firms to deliver large-scale projects on behalf of Communities. 

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Government Regional Officers Housing (GROH) Officers

Our GROH Officers manage approximately 5,500 homes for government employees across the state under the GROH program. Management of the program includes relationships with key stakeholders, construction and spot purchase activities, oversight and support of GROH regional service provision (property and tenancy management and leasing), maintenance budgets, annual sales program, and establishing annual planned maintenance priorities. 

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Asset Maintenance Officers

Asset Maintenance Officers have overarching responsibility for the maintenance and repair of public housing properties. It also includes tenant responsibilities in relation to maintenance, upkeep and repair costs for damage caused by tenants or other people on the property, and what types of property items or features a property may have.

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Asset Management Officers

Asset Management Officers create the policies and procedures to support frontline officers in the day-to-day asset management of public housing properties, including vacated and ingoing and annual property inspections, safety device checks and asbestos management.

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