Western Australia's Future Battery Industry Strategy

This page provides an overview of the of the Future Battery and Critical Mineral Strategy 2019 and the Strategy Update 2020.
Last updated:

What is the Future Battery Industry Strategy? 

The Future Battery Industry Strategy 2019 outlined the WA government's vision for WA's industry to be world leading, sustainable and value-adding and to provide local jobs, contribute to skill development, support economic diversification and benefit regional communities. The strategy has been further refreshed to support and grow the industry over a 6 year period in Western Australia's Battery and Critical Mineral Strategy 2024-2030

The Future Battery Industry Strategy 2019 provided a framework for the 2020 refresh, based on a list of actions under 4 themes.

Action themes

1. Investment attraction

Many countries are competing to secure a role in global battery supply chains. Building on current competitive advantages, the WA government will promote WA as a destination for investment. 

2. Project facilitation

Mining, processing and manufacturing projects require access to adequate land, infrastructure, water and energy, supplies and workers. The WA government will work with industry to ensure that WA is investment ready.

3. Research and development

Battery technologies are evolving quickly. Battery and electric vehicle manufacturers are making improvements to the stability and performance of their batteries and looking at ways to address weaknesses in their supply chains.

WA has globally recognised research capacity in mining and mineral processing. The WA government will continue to work with research organisations, industry and the federal government to build on this capacity to influence battery technologies globally and ensure WA's minerals and expertise remain relevant.

4. Adoption of new battery technologies

Rechargeable batteries in electric vehicles and in electricity grids, are a part of transitioning to modern, cleaner and energy-secure societies.

The uptake of battery technologies will create opportunities for battery-related economic activities. The WA government will work with industry, the federal government, research organisations and local governments to understand and seize opportunities associated with the uptake of batteries in Australia and globally. 

Future Battery Industry Strategy Update

In 2020, the WA Government updated its Future Battery Industry Strategy to ensure WA’s capabilities were identified in the battery and critical minerals supply chain.

The Strategy Update broadened the government’s focus to include the opportunities presented by critical minerals and rare earth elements, which are required to manufacture a range of high-performance products including defence technologies, wind turbines, solar panels, aeroplane engines and alloys.