Tranche 2 Amending Rules and Explanatory Memorandum

Feedback is sought on the Tranche 2 Amending Rules
Last updated:

The Tranche 2 Amending Rules are now available for stakeholder comment. 

The stakeholder consultation period for Tranche 2 of the Amending Rules will be open for four weeks with stakeholders invited to provide written submissions by 5pm, 16 November 2020. Comments can be provided to

Aditi Varma
Assistant Director - Future Market Design and Operations
(08) 6551 4756 

Tranche 2 of the Amending Rules contains:

  •  revisions to the draft Amending Rules package released on 24 July 2020 (previously called ‘Tranche 1’), made in response to industry feedback (highlighted in green);
  • minor elements of the Tranche 1 Amending Rules released on 12 October 2020 (Section 3.8A, Chapter 3B, and the new Appendix 13), which have been included for completeness and ease of reference;
  • a new monitoring and compliance framework in sections 2.13 to 2.15;
  • new Projected Assessment of System Adequacy (PASA) framework in sections 3.16 to 3.17;
  • new outage management and commissioning test framework in sections 3.18 to 3.21A;
  • new market settlement rules primarily in Chapter-9 and appendices 2A, 2B and 2C with consequential amendments in other sections;
  • a suite of minor administrative amendments to improve the clarity and readability of the WEM Rules, including:
    • replacement of common terms, such as Market Rules, Market Procedure and Market website (the replacement terms will be WEM Rules, WEM Procedures, and WEM Website);
    • the removal of references to System Management, including merging relevant System Management Functions into AEMO’s listed functions in section 2.1A, removing or modifying the System Operator framework in section 2.2, and replacing references to System Management with AEMO; and
    • minor changes to improve consistency and provide additional clarity, where required.

The Taskforce thanks stakeholders for their feedback on Amending WEM Rules as part of previous consultation processes. This feedback has been acknowledged and incorporated into the Tranche 2 Amending Rules, where appropriate. A summary of the major changes as a result of this feedback has also been provided in the Explanatory Memorandum to accompany Tranche 2 Amending Rules for ease of reference.

Stakeholders are invited to provide written submissions on the Tranche 2 draft Amending Rules by 5:00pm, 16 November 2020 by submitting comments to or by contacting:

Aditi Varma
Assistant Director - Future Market Design and Operations
(08) 6551 4756 

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