Statement of Commitment to Foster and Family Carers

The Statement of Commitment to Foster and Family Carers applies to Foster and Family Carers, Department of Communities staff and agencies working with children in out-of-home-care across Western Australia.
Last updated:

The Statement of Commitment to Foster and Family Carers outlines the guiding principles, roles and responsibilities to support effective partnerships with carers, across the broader sector services, Communities, and other key stakeholders.

The Department of Communities (Communities), Foster Care Association of Western Australia and the Child and Family Alliance have collaborated to develop the Statement of Commitment to foster and family carers. It recognises that we must work in partnership and our commitment to building and maintaining relationships is based on mutual trust and respect.

Communities and non-government partners are committed to providing children with a responsive care system as well as providing carers with the support they need. Carers are an essential part of the care system that is guided by principles as set out in Part 2 of the Children and Community Services Act 2004 as well as the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle and the Guidelines for the placement of children from a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) background.

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