Proposed changes to the Metering Code open for public comment

The Hon Bill Johnston MLA, Minister for Energy, invited public comment on amendments to the Electricity Industry (Metering) Code 2012 (Metering Code). Submissions closed on 1 February 2021.
Last updated:

The proposed amendments are primarily to implement changes to settlement of the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM), including:

  • a weekly settlement timeline, commencing on 1 October 2022; and
  • five-minute settlement intervals, commencing on 1 October 2025. 

These changes will support amendments to the WEM Rules and enable Western Power to invest in meter and ICT upgrades to implement the WEM settlement reforms. To see the Draft Amendments and Consultation Paper please see below.

Metering Code Virtual Industry Forum 

The Energy Transformation Taskforce Implementation Unit held a virtual industry forum about the proposed changes to the Metering Code on Wednesday 9 December 2020. The forum included a summary of the proposed changes and opportunity to ask questions. 

A copy of the presentation slides provided at the forum is available below.

Submissions received

Five Submissions were received. Submissions are published below.

If you have any queries regarding the proposed changes, please contact Rebecca White, Principal Policy Analyst – Future Market Design and Operation, at

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