Issues Paper Released - Distributed Energy Resources Orchestration Roles and Responsibilities

The Energy Transformation Taskforce invites public comment on an issues paper that looks at issues associated with the orchestration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER). This paper has been developed to support the delivery of the DER Roadmap as part of the Energy Transformation Strategy.
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The DER Roadmap set out the high-level vision and actions required to integrate DER into the electricity system and market. In a future with high DER penetration, it is expected that DER will eventually provide services that more broadly support the power system and are rewarded for doing so. For the SWIS, this will require an evolution of the roles of Western Power and the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), and the entry of ‘DER aggregators’ to the market.

The coordination of many individual customer DER by aggregators will allow small, distribution‑connected electricity consumers to participate in the provision of services that benefit the power system. The development of mechanisms that allow DER to provide, and be compensated for, these services will open new value streams for customers and lower system costs.

This paper seeks to define issues for discussion on changes that will enable customer DER to provide services to the network and participate in the Wholesale Electricity Market.

The paper discusses issues related to:

  • A Distribution System Operator (DSO).
  • A Market Operator that includes participation from DER, the DMO.
  • Aggregators of DER.
  • Customer protections and considerations.
  • Supplementary issues.

Make a submission

Public comment on the proposed roles, responsibilities and other issues raised in the paper are invited and can be submitted in any of the following ways:

Consultation on the DER Orchestration issues paper closes on 5.00pm (AWST), 25 September 2020. Late submissions may not be considered.

If you have any queries regarding these proposed changes, please contact Brad Smart at sends email)

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