As set out in the 7 February 2011 letter from the State Attorney-General to the Federal Court of Australia, the State of Western Australia sought to achieve greater certainty in a post native title determination environment for land access and use. The State’s intention was to advise all parties of relevant land management interests as soon as possible after a claim is referred to mediation or case management by the Federal Court.
The guidance document below includes the following information:
- Execution and Registration of the Government ILUA
- Applying the non-extinguishment principle and disapplying the right to negotiate
- Consent to the grant of exploration and prospecting titles
- Consent to the grant of Access Authorities
- Consent to the grant of LA Act Licences
- Consent to the doing of Deemed Low Impact Future Acts
- Consent to the doing of Housing and Works
- Consent to the creation of Conservation Estate
- Validating Invalid Acts
- Cultural Heritage Protection
- Parties, execution and application of the Standard Heritage Agreements
- Exchange of Information
- The Activity Notice
- Surveys
- Time Limits
- Default and Dispute Resolution.