Ellenbrook Station Precinct Improvement Scheme No. 1

The key objective of the Improvement Scheme is to facilitate development of the scheme area for a range of housing, employment and community uses.
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The Improvement Scheme applies to approximately 5.9 hectares of land adjacent to Ellenbrook Station, as shown on the Scheme Map.

The Improvement Scheme will replace the Metropolitan Region Scheme and the City of Swan Local Planning Scheme as the statutory land use planning instrument over the area. The Western Australian Planning Commission is responsible for the assessment and determination of development applications under the Improvement Scheme.

Improvement Scheme Aims

The Ellenbrook Station Precinct Improvement Scheme No. 1 was gazetted on Friday 24 May 2024 and comes into effect on and from this date.

The aims of the Improvement Scheme are to:

  1. integrate development of the Ellenbrook Station with the Scheme Area.
  2. plan for delivery of a mix of housing, employment and community uses.
  3. maximise development opportunities associated with Ellenbrook Station.
  4. facilitate co-ordinated infrastructure planning and delivery.
  5. achieve high quality built form and public place design across the Scheme Area.
  6. encourage the implementation of best practice sustainability, water sensitive urban design and energy efficiency initiatives within the Scheme Area; and
  7. facilitate sequential land use activities that respond to the planned development of the Scheme Area over time.
  8. facilitate opportunities for investment by, and partnership with, the private sector.