Ecological water requirements of the Lower De Grey River aquifer

Technical Report
Description of the ecological water requirements for groundwater-dependent ecosystems of the lower De Grey alluvial aquifer.
Last updated:

Ecological water requirements (EWRs) are the water regimes required to maintain dependent ecosystems at a low level of risk (WRC 2000). 

EWRs are a key part of the water allocation process, which also considers the social and cultural requirements of the water resource and its consumptive demand. We also use EWRs in operating strategies and to help set licence conditions for proponents wishing to abstract water.

The Pilbara groundwater allocation plan will set allocation limits for the lower De Grey River alluvial aquifer. Water Corporation’s existing De Grey borefield (Namagoorie), which supplies water to the Port Hedland water supply scheme, is located in this aquifer. 

This document supports the allocation plan by describing the EWRs for groundwater-dependent ecosystems of the lower De Grey alluvial aquifer.

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